"CPG Implementation: Differential Diagnosis Decision Tree" by Todd E. Davenport, Rebecca Vogslund et al.

CPG Implementation: Differential Diagnosis Decision Tree


Todd Davenport: 0000-0001-5772-7727


Physical Therapy


Clinical practice guideline recommendations can only influence practice and impact society if they are implemented. The Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy and Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy have used decision trees, or clinical algorithms, to facilitate CPG implementation by clinicians. The soon-to-be-published CPG on differential diagnosis and need for referral will be best implemented if it is integrated into a clinical reasoning model for managing common musculoskeletal conditions. Speakers will present an “integration over isolation” decision tree model for evaluation and management of individuals presenting with common musculoskeletal disorders where the individual’s clinical findings suggest the presence of a medical condition, in which referral to a medical practitioner is the CPG recommended best practice. Attendees will learn how to use the CPG implementation tool in everyday practice as presenters take them on a digital walk-through of integrating essential evaluation and intervention components for differential diagnosis of common musculoskeletal disorders and sinister pathology that can mimic common musculoskeletal disorders.

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting

Conference Dates

February 2-5, 2022

Conference Location

San Antonio, TX

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