"DeltaFusion: Celebrating Community" by University of the Pacific
DeltaFusion: Celebrating Community

DeltaFusion: Celebrating Community


Exhibit Dates

August 23 - September 15, 2011


The Reynolds Gallery is pleased to present DeltaFusion: Celebrate Community, an exhibition of large-scale puppets, masks, costumes and video from the DeltaFusion pageant.

Giant puppets came to life in DeltaFusion, a cultural celebration at Victory Park in Stockton July 23, 2011.

After two and a half years of planning, an idea pursued by Theatre Arts chair Cathie McClellan and Art and Graphic Design professor Brett DeBoer came to fruition with the first ever DeltaFusion festival. DeltaFusion combined displays of visual and theater arts with music, creating a pageant of larger-than-life puppets.

Faculty from Studio Art, Graphic Design and Theater Arts along with Pacific students joined with the Haggin Museum, the Cultural Heritage Council of San Joaquin County, students and faculty from Delta College, local artists, and other community members to collaborate on the parade and pageant that took place at Victory Park in Stockton. Fun began with a parade around the park followed by a pageant that told the story of Stockton and the Delta region. Ongoing cultural and musical performances continued throughout the rest of the day. For the 1,000-plus in attendance, the day was a true fusion of culture and community.

This food, fun and free art-filled event was sponsored by the Haggin Museum and the University of the Pacific, supported in part by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Stockton Arts Commission and also celebrated the 161st anniversary of the incorporation of the city of Stockton.

DeltaFusion: Celebrating Community
