"Hou, Ning: Paintings from the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta" by University of the Pacific
Hou, Ning: Paintings from the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta

Hou, Ning: Paintings from the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta


Exhibit Dates

September 26 - October 27, 2006


2006 Pacific Artist-in-Residence Ning Hou was born and raised in Shanghai, China. He arrived in the US at age 27 with the American attitude that "From the base of a free country, I can achieve anything. For me it was the ability to offer perseverance, vision of beauty and peace to all who may find it within my art." In this show, Hou presented portraits of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta region.

Hou, Ning: Paintings from the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta
