"New Work, New Faculty: Jill Vasileff and Stephen Eakin" by University of the Pacific
New Work, New Faculty: Jill Vasileff and Stephen Eakin

New Work, New Faculty: Jill Vasileff and Stephen Eakin


Exhibit Dates

November 13 - December 14, 2007


In this two-person show, installation artist, Pacific alum, and adjunct professor Stephen Eakin and painter and adjunct professor Jill Vasileff revealed their latest work. In works such as Residue (2007), Eakin explores the connections between art, archiving, and death. The lightboxes in this installation contain slides of everything the artist owns. Gallery visitors are invited to select a slide, which Eakin then bequeaths to them in his will. WWW.STEPHENEAKIN.COM

Vasileff is interested in "synthetic" (i.e. manufactured, not found in nature) color that is magnetically beautiful, but also potentially irritating. She works toward manipulating color so that it straddles the lines between beauty and tension and simplicity and chaos. She often uses repetitive visual elements such as the grid and stripe.

New Work, New Faculty: Jill Vasileff and Stephen Eakin
