Brett DeBoer: BBBA (Brett's Big Biking Adventure)
Exhibit Dates
March 12 - April 2, 2012
The Reynolds Gallery presents, BBBA: Brett's Big Biking Adventure, an exhibition of digital paintings inspired by encounters and observations from a solo cross-country trek by bicycle taken during the summer of 2010. Graphic Design faculty and artist Brett DeBoer explored much of rural America while pedaling and camping his way across the country.
Prof. DeBoer will discuss specific stories and images from this road trip that serve as context for the exhibition during the gallery talk on the evening of March 15th. BBBA offers an approach to digital photographic imagery as a part of the creative process initiated by events from the trip.
Artist's Statement:
These "digital paintings" represent a portion of work inspired by a cross-country bicycle trip that I took during the summer of 2010. The resulting pieces are not about bicycling, but instead, the result of close observation of objects, settings, and their detail and texture. The journey by bicycle imposed a pace, a context, which encouraged this type of observation and reflection. The majority of the images begin as photographic studies, which are manipulated by collaging or digitally drawing/painting into them with the purpose of revealing something new. In the end the object that originated this investigation is often difficult to discover or is hidden as a result. The final work is more about broad subjects such as awe, wonder, discovery, mystery, fragmentation, and time than it is about specific individual objects, or places. Please enjoy!
Recommended Citation
University of the Pacific, "Brett DeBoer: BBBA (Brett's Big Biking Adventure)" (2012). Reynolds Gallery Exhibits Archive. 16.