Scholarly Commons - Pacific Research & Scholarship Day: DRILLING TECHNQIUE IN DENTAL IMPLANTS


Poster Number


Lead Author Affiliation

Mechanical Engineering

Lead Author Status


Second Author Affiliation

Mechanical Engineering

Second Author Status

Masters Student

Third Author Affiliation

Mechanical Engineering

Third Author Status

Masters Student


A common technique currently utilized in implant procedures is a sequential drilling process that is associated with several drilling steps with increasing drill-bit diameters to create a desired hole to place the implant site in patients’ jawbone. While this drilling technique has been extensively recommended by many dental implant companies, this sequential drilling process can increase the duration of the heat exposure, which is generated during the several sequential bone drilling procedures, eventually increasing the temperature in bone, which can result in the thermal damage to the bone. This study aims to investigate how the force and the temperature rise in bone varies for different sequential drilling procedures. The total duration of the heat exposure for different schemes is also evaluated to identify the impact of the drilling technique on thermal necrosis. In this study, different sequential drilling techniques were designed using two different drilling depths and drill-bit diameters. Using the combinations of the drilling depths and drill-bit diameters, a custom drilling procedure was created to replicate the sequential drilling process in common dental implant cases. Each drilling test was performed on bovine cortical bone samples with a Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine to ensure precision and repeatability between trials. Force and temperature signals were collected by a dynamometer and thermal infrared camera, respectively. The results indicate that using a pilot hole with a drilling depth equivalent to the main larger hole depth reduced the maximum thrust force, but resulted in a higher maximum temperature due to the chip clogging as a result of the increase in the pilot-hole drilling depth. The temperature increase can also be attributed to a longer duration of the heat exposure to the bone. This study also observed that reducing the pilot hole drilling depth to about half of the main hole depth led to a lower maximum temperature, however, a larger maximum thrust force was recorded. The findings of this study can provide a fundamental understanding of how different drilling techniques can influence thermal effects in dental implant cases.


Library and Learning Center, 3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211


Poster Presentation

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Apr 29th, 10:00 AM Apr 29th, 12:00 PM


Library and Learning Center, 3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211

A common technique currently utilized in implant procedures is a sequential drilling process that is associated with several drilling steps with increasing drill-bit diameters to create a desired hole to place the implant site in patients’ jawbone. While this drilling technique has been extensively recommended by many dental implant companies, this sequential drilling process can increase the duration of the heat exposure, which is generated during the several sequential bone drilling procedures, eventually increasing the temperature in bone, which can result in the thermal damage to the bone. This study aims to investigate how the force and the temperature rise in bone varies for different sequential drilling procedures. The total duration of the heat exposure for different schemes is also evaluated to identify the impact of the drilling technique on thermal necrosis. In this study, different sequential drilling techniques were designed using two different drilling depths and drill-bit diameters. Using the combinations of the drilling depths and drill-bit diameters, a custom drilling procedure was created to replicate the sequential drilling process in common dental implant cases. Each drilling test was performed on bovine cortical bone samples with a Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine to ensure precision and repeatability between trials. Force and temperature signals were collected by a dynamometer and thermal infrared camera, respectively. The results indicate that using a pilot hole with a drilling depth equivalent to the main larger hole depth reduced the maximum thrust force, but resulted in a higher maximum temperature due to the chip clogging as a result of the increase in the pilot-hole drilling depth. The temperature increase can also be attributed to a longer duration of the heat exposure to the bone. This study also observed that reducing the pilot hole drilling depth to about half of the main hole depth led to a lower maximum temperature, however, a larger maximum thrust force was recorded. The findings of this study can provide a fundamental understanding of how different drilling techniques can influence thermal effects in dental implant cases.