Scholarly Commons - Pacific Research & Scholarship Day: A Sentiment Analysis in Twitter, concerning Social Media language related to PTSD

A Sentiment Analysis in Twitter, concerning Social Media language related to PTSD

Poster Number


Lead Author Affiliation

Dr. L. Javadpour

Lead Author Status

Masters Student


Social media plays a big role today in our lives, as it has become an extension of our daily life’s expression & communication. The primary focus of this study is to try to measure incidents of the self-reporting of PTSD on social media, and the attitudes of people towards a behavioral disorder like PTSD.


To see the sentiments of people about PTSD in Tweets. Find out if there if is any typical social media behaviors or self reporting of PTSD on social media?


Through previously done research, social media suggests that there are certain patterns of speech that PTSD victims exhibit on social media. They talk in first person pronouns (related to self only), display negative emotions openly and frequently like talking about mortality, death, and dying, they use language of cognitive complexity, and they also use Plural first-person pronouns (related to group including self). In conclusion, this paper will conduct a parallel study about social media language related to PTSD victims, using API Keywords to distinguish negative and positive sentiments towards PTSD.


The following questions will be addressed: how lightly or seriously people take PTSD as a mental disorder? Do people retweet posts to increase awareness or not? What is their overall behavior towards PTSD? Is anyone self-reporting PTSD on Twitter? Are they using the term genuinely or loosely? What terms and words do they use frequently, related to PTSD tweets? Are those words mostly negative or positively rated through Sentiment analysis?


This research is done with the intention to help us understand the PTSD signal words on social media, for early intervention and saving lives.


William Knox Holt Memorial Library and Learning Center, University of the Pacific, 3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211


Poster Presentation

Poster Session


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Apr 30th, 10:00 AM Apr 30th, 12:00 PM

A Sentiment Analysis in Twitter, concerning Social Media language related to PTSD

William Knox Holt Memorial Library and Learning Center, University of the Pacific, 3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211

Social media plays a big role today in our lives, as it has become an extension of our daily life’s expression & communication. The primary focus of this study is to try to measure incidents of the self-reporting of PTSD on social media, and the attitudes of people towards a behavioral disorder like PTSD.