Scholarly Commons - Pacific Research & Scholarship Day: Case Study on the Analysis of Starbucks Customer Loyalty

Case Study on the Analysis of Starbucks Customer Loyalty

Poster Number


Lead Author Affiliation

Business Analytics

Lead Author Status

Masters Student


Customer loyalty plays a major role in determining the success of a brand or any sport of business. Customer loyalty is the measure and feelings individuals have towards that specific brand. Therefore, what are the most effective ways successful brands like Starbucks reach their customers to achieve loyalty? Brand loyalty is one of the most important strategic marketing tactics. Starbucks is able to price their items at the value they wish, maintain long-term customers, and increase profitability overtime.


Finding new ways to increase brand loyalty and maintaining continuous profits have a strong correlation. It is important to understand the marketing, analytics, and data behind this. The purpose of this study is to determine the most effective ways Starbucks can gain customer loyalty throughout their successful years in business.


I will use Rapid miner to discover correlations in Starbucks Satisfaction surveys. Moreover, I have used Python to create a feature vector in order to determine the most popular reviews left by Starbucks consumers, and have created a procedure through Rapid Minor to retrieve tweets around Starbucks brand loyalty, following with a Twitter sentiment analysis.


I will be finding the correlations between customer reviews using Rapid minor, Python, and Twitter.


This study focuses on Starbucks customer loyalty. Starbucks is an enormous corporation and brand that many consumers are loyal to. Highlighting these prominent attributes will allow small businesses to thrive in creating loyal customers for themselves. This study will focus on delivering the best suggestion a small business can incorporate based on Starbucks reviews, in order to grow their business and profits. Comparing Starbucks uplifting factors will allow new findings to be brought to light that can be future implications to smaller businesses. Highlighting these attributes will help better understand the success of Starbucks business ventures.


William Knox Holt Memorial Library and Learning Center, University of the Pacific, 3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211


Poster Presentation

Poster Session


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Apr 30th, 1:00 PM Apr 30th, 3:00 PM

Case Study on the Analysis of Starbucks Customer Loyalty

William Knox Holt Memorial Library and Learning Center, University of the Pacific, 3601 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95211

Customer loyalty plays a major role in determining the success of a brand or any sport of business. Customer loyalty is the measure and feelings individuals have towards that specific brand. Therefore, what are the most effective ways successful brands like Starbucks reach their customers to achieve loyalty? Brand loyalty is one of the most important strategic marketing tactics. Starbucks is able to price their items at the value they wish, maintain long-term customers, and increase profitability overtime.