Scholarly Commons - Pacific Research & Scholarship Day: Excitonic Coupled-cluster Theory for Large-scale Electronic Structure Calculations

Excitonic Coupled-cluster Theory for Large-scale Electronic Structure Calculations

Poster Number


Lead Author Affiliation


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Second Author Affiliation


Second Author Status

Doctoral Student


Highly accurate simulations of the quantum mechanics that underlie chemical bonding and chemical reactivity are generally very expensive.


We conduct research aimed at better understanding the relevant physics, in order to perform simulations of chemical phenomena much more efficiently.


We base our approach on the intuition that is common to all chemists, that the behaviors of individual electrons are eventually subsumed by the properties of atoms, fragments and functional groups, though these may be heavily perturbed. By careful accounting for the electronic physics within a fragment, we can build up a highly compressed set of collective coordinates that describe in detail how fragments interact with each other, without further need of computationally expensive recourse to the original degrees of freedom.


In pilot tests of our methodology, we have shown that we can obtain better accuracy than present state-of-the-art methods for a fraction of the computational cost. Most importantly, our method scales very favorably with system size, bringing within range systems that are well out of range for traditional methods.


This work opens the door to detailed simulations of chemical phenomena in complex environments, where solvent and delocalized bonding can play a role, and where the quantum details of chemical bonding are indispensable.


DeRosa University Center


Poster Presentation

Poster Session


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Apr 27th, 10:00 AM Apr 27th, 12:00 PM

Excitonic Coupled-cluster Theory for Large-scale Electronic Structure Calculations

DeRosa University Center

Highly accurate simulations of the quantum mechanics that underlie chemical bonding and chemical reactivity are generally very expensive.