Feminism for the Descamisadas: a Rhetorical Analysis of Eva Perón’s Speeches

Lead Author Affiliation

Political Science

Lead Author Status

Undergraduate - Junior

Second Author Affiliation


Second Author Status

Faculty Mentor

Research or Creativity Area

Humanities & Arts


Eva Perón’s “moral reform” feminism inspired the beginnings of feminist expansion in Argentina by praising tradition and promoting gender equality. Peronism, a populist movement, mobilized the Argentine working-class after decades of socioeconomic oppression. Eva Perón empowered Argentine working-class women, her descamisadas (“shirtless ones”), in fiery speeches. Eva Perón’s feminism was exceptional for a first-wave feminist context: working as a female politician in a traditionalistic nation. Though scholars have labeled Eva Perón a “non-feminist,” I contend that her approach to feminism was extraordinary because of her ability to craft rhetorical appeals to working-class women. I analyzed Eva Perón’s speechwriting during her political career (1946-1952), determining how her visions for feminism and social welfare changed over time and by location. I utilized the rhetorical framework, starting with the historical and rhetorical situation and then finishing my analysis by examining how Eva Perón’s rhetorical choices appealed to messages of respect, loyalty, and love.


Don and Karen DeRosa University Center (DUC) Room 214

Start Date

27-4-2024 11:30 AM

End Date

27-4-2024 11:45 AM

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Apr 27th, 11:30 AM Apr 27th, 11:45 AM

Feminism for the Descamisadas: a Rhetorical Analysis of Eva Perón’s Speeches

Don and Karen DeRosa University Center (DUC) Room 214

Eva Perón’s “moral reform” feminism inspired the beginnings of feminist expansion in Argentina by praising tradition and promoting gender equality. Peronism, a populist movement, mobilized the Argentine working-class after decades of socioeconomic oppression. Eva Perón empowered Argentine working-class women, her descamisadas (“shirtless ones”), in fiery speeches. Eva Perón’s feminism was exceptional for a first-wave feminist context: working as a female politician in a traditionalistic nation. Though scholars have labeled Eva Perón a “non-feminist,” I contend that her approach to feminism was extraordinary because of her ability to craft rhetorical appeals to working-class women. I analyzed Eva Perón’s speechwriting during her political career (1946-1952), determining how her visions for feminism and social welfare changed over time and by location. I utilized the rhetorical framework, starting with the historical and rhetorical situation and then finishing my analysis by examining how Eva Perón’s rhetorical choices appealed to messages of respect, loyalty, and love.