Scholarly Commons - Research & Creativity Showcase: Making the Probiotic Pichia pastoris Stickier and Tougher

Making the Probiotic Pichia pastoris Stickier and Tougher

Poster Number


Lead Author Affiliation

Biological Sciences

Lead Author Status

Undergraduate - Junior

Second Author Affiliation

Biological Sciences

Second Author Status

Undergraduate - Junior

Third Author Affiliation


Third Author Status

Undergraduate - Sophomore

Fourth Author Affiliation

Biological Sciences

Fourth Author Status

Undergraduate - Senior

Fifth Author Affiliation

Biological Sciences

Fifth Author Status

Undergraduate - Junior

Sixth Author Affiliation

Biological Sciences

Sixth Author Status

Undergraduate - Senior

Additional Authors

Darin Vu, Biological Sciences-Undergraduate Senior

Joan Lin-Cereghino, Biological Sciences, Faculty

Der Thor, Biomedical Sciences, Faculty

Geoff Lin-Cereghino, Biological Sciences, Faculty

Research or Creativity Area

Natural Sciences


The yeast Pichia (pronounced “pick-ee-uh”) pastoris is used to produce many therapeutic proteins, such as insulin, to treat human diseases. These medicinal proteins require purification and other intensive processing before they can be administered. We aim to develop P. pastoris into a probiotic that grows within and delivers therapeutic agents directly to the human body. Before this hypothesis can be tested in humans, we need to confirm that the yeast works in mice. Therefore, in a previous pilot study, we fed P. pastoris containing the enhanced green fluorescent protein gene to mice. Although preliminary analysis suggested that the yeast was able to colonize and express the model protein in the mouse gut, it was only for a relatively short time. Because this duration needs to be longer, we are pursuing two different strategies to increase Pichia’s residence time in the animal digestive tract. First, we are engineering our yeast to produce a fusion protein which should make the yeast able to “stick” to mucin proteins, which are produced by mouse cells. If the yeast are able to bind to mouse mucin, which is found on the surface of many GI tract organs, then we predict that these yeast, referred to as Stichia (pronounced “stick-ee-uh”), will stay longer inside the mouse body. Second, we are encasing our Pichia cells in alginate, a gel which should protect the yeast and increase their survival time inside the mouse gut. Because our preliminary findings have been encouraging, we believe that the results of our future studies will lay a foundation for using the yeast in human beings to treat diseases, such as lactose intolerance.


Don and Karen DeRosa University Center (DUC) Poster Hall

Start Date

27-4-2024 10:30 AM

End Date

27-4-2024 12:30 PM

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Apr 27th, 10:30 AM Apr 27th, 12:30 PM

Making the Probiotic Pichia pastoris Stickier and Tougher

Don and Karen DeRosa University Center (DUC) Poster Hall

The yeast Pichia (pronounced “pick-ee-uh”) pastoris is used to produce many therapeutic proteins, such as insulin, to treat human diseases. These medicinal proteins require purification and other intensive processing before they can be administered. We aim to develop P. pastoris into a probiotic that grows within and delivers therapeutic agents directly to the human body. Before this hypothesis can be tested in humans, we need to confirm that the yeast works in mice. Therefore, in a previous pilot study, we fed P. pastoris containing the enhanced green fluorescent protein gene to mice. Although preliminary analysis suggested that the yeast was able to colonize and express the model protein in the mouse gut, it was only for a relatively short time. Because this duration needs to be longer, we are pursuing two different strategies to increase Pichia’s residence time in the animal digestive tract. First, we are engineering our yeast to produce a fusion protein which should make the yeast able to “stick” to mucin proteins, which are produced by mouse cells. If the yeast are able to bind to mouse mucin, which is found on the surface of many GI tract organs, then we predict that these yeast, referred to as Stichia (pronounced “stick-ee-uh”), will stay longer inside the mouse body. Second, we are encasing our Pichia cells in alginate, a gel which should protect the yeast and increase their survival time inside the mouse gut. Because our preliminary findings have been encouraging, we believe that the results of our future studies will lay a foundation for using the yeast in human beings to treat diseases, such as lactose intolerance.