Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): Aminomethylpyrene and Tyramine Labels for Oligosaccharides

Aminomethylpyrene and Tyramine Labels for Oligosaccharides

Lead Author Major


Lead Author Status



Poster Presentation

Faculty Mentor Name

Andreas Franz

Faculty Mentor Department


Abstract/Artist Statement

The glycans on glycoproteins play a significant role how these glycoproteins function. However, they are undetectable by chromatography and UV-detection unless they are removed from the glycoprotein and then labeled with a UV-active tag for analysis. In order to overcome this problem a set of standard sugars, were labeled with 3-amino-benzamide (AB), 2-aminomethyl-pyrene (AP), and tyramine (T). The derivatized sugars were chromatographed on a C18 HPLC column and a HYPERCARB column. Collected fractions were then analyzed by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desoption/Ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. This was done in order to develop a methodology to label, separate, and characterize the glycans on the glycoprotein beta-lactoglobuline once the glycans had been enzymatically released. The preliminary results of this research showed good chromatographic separation of mixtures. The quality of separation was better for T-labeled sugars than for AP. Labeling with AB was found to be low-yielding. During MALDI-analysis, protonated molecules of sugars derivatized with AP fragmented all the way to the monosaccharide and signs of photo-dimerization between two AP-labels were evident for AP-derivatives.



Start Date

25-4-2020 1:00 PM

End Date

25-4-2020 3:00 PM

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Apr 25th, 1:00 PM Apr 25th, 3:00 PM

Aminomethylpyrene and Tyramine Labels for Oligosaccharides


The glycans on glycoproteins play a significant role how these glycoproteins function. However, they are undetectable by chromatography and UV-detection unless they are removed from the glycoprotein and then labeled with a UV-active tag for analysis. In order to overcome this problem a set of standard sugars, were labeled with 3-amino-benzamide (AB), 2-aminomethyl-pyrene (AP), and tyramine (T). The derivatized sugars were chromatographed on a C18 HPLC column and a HYPERCARB column. Collected fractions were then analyzed by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desoption/Ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. This was done in order to develop a methodology to label, separate, and characterize the glycans on the glycoprotein beta-lactoglobuline once the glycans had been enzymatically released. The preliminary results of this research showed good chromatographic separation of mixtures. The quality of separation was better for T-labeled sugars than for AP. Labeling with AB was found to be low-yielding. During MALDI-analysis, protonated molecules of sugars derivatized with AP fragmented all the way to the monosaccharide and signs of photo-dimerization between two AP-labels were evident for AP-derivatives.