Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): E. McKnight Kauffer Banner Series

E. McKnight Kauffer Banner Series


Senior Art and Design Exhibition

Faculty Mentor Name

Brett DeBoer

Abstract/Artist Statement

E. McKnight Kauffer worked throughout the 1920's and 30's as an influential advertising poster designer. He is still recognized today for his innovative take on the world around him. Working with large clients like American Airlines and the London Underground, Kauffer transformed otherwise ordinary and boring design into modern, colorful and eye-catching advertisements. Rather than exploiting common forms of advertising such as, sex or power, Kauffer went for a more literal approach in his work. Taking the service or product and using it as a centerpiece proved to be very successful in Kauffer's design work. I was first drawn to Kauffer after seeing one of his most famous pieces titled Flight. It features a collection of geometric birds "soaring to success" produced for an article for the Daily Herald. Each bird is made up of triangles and other jagged shapes but together it looks beautifully cohesive. Flight inspired me to create my first piece from this collection of posters then from there I chose five more of my favorite Kauffer pieces. With each of these Kauffer pieces I looked for an element that popped out to me the most, the one thing that forced me to look closer at the design. Then I took that element and interpreted it to fit my collection of posters. These posters are meant to honor the style and feel of Kauffer's work. While he designed in the 19th century, his work and influence is still just as relevant today. My posters are a reflection of the impact Kauffer has had on me as designer.


Reynolds Art Gallery

Start Date

25-4-2016 6:00 PM

End Date

14-5-2016 6:00 PM

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Apr 25th, 6:00 PM May 14th, 6:00 PM

E. McKnight Kauffer Banner Series

Reynolds Art Gallery

E. McKnight Kauffer worked throughout the 1920's and 30's as an influential advertising poster designer. He is still recognized today for his innovative take on the world around him. Working with large clients like American Airlines and the London Underground, Kauffer transformed otherwise ordinary and boring design into modern, colorful and eye-catching advertisements. Rather than exploiting common forms of advertising such as, sex or power, Kauffer went for a more literal approach in his work. Taking the service or product and using it as a centerpiece proved to be very successful in Kauffer's design work. I was first drawn to Kauffer after seeing one of his most famous pieces titled Flight. It features a collection of geometric birds "soaring to success" produced for an article for the Daily Herald. Each bird is made up of triangles and other jagged shapes but together it looks beautifully cohesive. Flight inspired me to create my first piece from this collection of posters then from there I chose five more of my favorite Kauffer pieces. With each of these Kauffer pieces I looked for an element that popped out to me the most, the one thing that forced me to look closer at the design. Then I took that element and interpreted it to fit my collection of posters. These posters are meant to honor the style and feel of Kauffer's work. While he designed in the 19th century, his work and influence is still just as relevant today. My posters are a reflection of the impact Kauffer has had on me as designer.