Untitled (Mixed media)
Senior Art and Design Exhibition
Faculty Mentor Name
Marie Lee
Faculty Mentor Department
Graphic Design
Abstract/Artist Statement
As a graphic designer, it is required that my artistic output consistently solves problems—immediately imparting a specific idea/desire onto a targeted demographic.This series strays from the aforementioned, hopefully leaving you, the viewer, questioning rather than content.The collages serve as an outlet; a freeing exercise from the constraints experienced within the specificity of graphic design. All of the imagery has been repurposed from previous artistic endeavors or appropriated and decontextualized from various printed media and trash. They provide an obscured personal retrospective, allowing one’s own meaning(s) to be attached to the work.Each element was been built up slowly and simultaneously, adding and subtracting elements until deemed satisfactory. The overlaid contour line drawings are indicative of experiences and individuals—contrasting the happenstance choosing of the underlying collage elements chosen mainly for their complementary aesthetic.
Reynolds Gallery
Start Date
18-4-2012 6:00 PM
End Date
18-4-2012 8:00 PM
Untitled (Mixed media)
Reynolds Gallery
As a graphic designer, it is required that my artistic output consistently solves problems—immediately imparting a specific idea/desire onto a targeted demographic.This series strays from the aforementioned, hopefully leaving you, the viewer, questioning rather than content.The collages serve as an outlet; a freeing exercise from the constraints experienced within the specificity of graphic design. All of the imagery has been repurposed from previous artistic endeavors or appropriated and decontextualized from various printed media and trash. They provide an obscured personal retrospective, allowing one’s own meaning(s) to be attached to the work.Each element was been built up slowly and simultaneously, adding and subtracting elements until deemed satisfactory. The overlaid contour line drawings are indicative of experiences and individuals—contrasting the happenstance choosing of the underlying collage elements chosen mainly for their complementary aesthetic.