Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): Ford’s Bridge Spanning The Tuolumne River, Long Barn, California

Ford’s Bridge Spanning The Tuolumne River, Long Barn, California

Lead Author Major

Civil Engineering


SOECS Senior Project Demonstration

Faculty Mentor Name

Scott Merry

Faculty Mentor Department

Civil Engineering

Additional Faculty Mentor Name

Luke Lee

Additional Faculty Mentor Name

Hector Estrada

Abstract/Artist Statement

The Ford and Matkin Family are owners of a property located near Long Barn, California. Access to his property involves a crossing of the north fork of the Tuolumne River. The crossing is located in a timber harvesting area and the path is subject to frequent use by logging vehicles and residents of the property. The current crossing is partially submerged year round and fully submerged during wet weather storm events. Recently, the state of California’s Regional Water Quality Control Board has identified an increase in sediment loading and erosion in streams due to logging traffic. During wet weather events the river crossing may become inaccessible. The steep driveway grades also create a safety hazard for traffic during winter months. As a solution to the access and environmental river crossing issues, Mr. Ford is looking to build a bridge. Vision Consulting Engineers will provide services in the design of a bridge to cross the Tuolumne River. With the addition of a bridge, there will be improved year-round access, quality of life, safety of the residents. In addition, sediment disturbance and potential pollutants from vehicles and increased erosion potential due to vehicle traffic will be mitigated. The design of the bridge will include an assessment of the site conditions that includes: development of topographic maps and site cross sections, hydraulic modeling used to assess hydraulic characteristics of the stream, geotechnical analysis used to estimate soil properties and foundation design, and structural design of a bridge having a span of 80 feet.


School of Engineering & Computer Science

Start Date

28-4-2012 2:00 PM

End Date

28-4-2012 3:30 PM

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Apr 28th, 2:00 PM Apr 28th, 3:30 PM

Ford’s Bridge Spanning The Tuolumne River, Long Barn, California

School of Engineering & Computer Science

The Ford and Matkin Family are owners of a property located near Long Barn, California. Access to his property involves a crossing of the north fork of the Tuolumne River. The crossing is located in a timber harvesting area and the path is subject to frequent use by logging vehicles and residents of the property. The current crossing is partially submerged year round and fully submerged during wet weather storm events. Recently, the state of California’s Regional Water Quality Control Board has identified an increase in sediment loading and erosion in streams due to logging traffic. During wet weather events the river crossing may become inaccessible. The steep driveway grades also create a safety hazard for traffic during winter months. As a solution to the access and environmental river crossing issues, Mr. Ford is looking to build a bridge. Vision Consulting Engineers will provide services in the design of a bridge to cross the Tuolumne River. With the addition of a bridge, there will be improved year-round access, quality of life, safety of the residents. In addition, sediment disturbance and potential pollutants from vehicles and increased erosion potential due to vehicle traffic will be mitigated. The design of the bridge will include an assessment of the site conditions that includes: development of topographic maps and site cross sections, hydraulic modeling used to assess hydraulic characteristics of the stream, geotechnical analysis used to estimate soil properties and foundation design, and structural design of a bridge having a span of 80 feet.