Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): Comfort Women: Sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II

Comfort Women: Sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II

Lead Author Major

International Relations & French


Oral Presentation

Faculty Mentor Name

Greg Rohlf

Faculty Mentor Department


Abstract/Artist Statement

This paper discusses the Japanese Imperial Army’s employment of comfort stations throughout Asia during World War II. This has been gaining more publicity die to a law suit filed against the Japanese government by former comfort women. The paper examines the history of comfort women and the technical logistics behind the comfort stations. For this paper I looked at firsthand accounts by comfort women, in particular, the horrific, graphic story of Rosa Henson, a Filipina woman. I also read journal entries from Japanese military officials. This paper shows that the idea for comfort stations was driven by economics and politics, but turned into an unprecedented human rights violation.


DeRosa University Center, Room 218

Start Date

21-4-2011 5:00 PM

End Date

21-4-2011 8:00 PM

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Apr 21st, 5:00 PM Apr 21st, 8:00 PM

Comfort Women: Sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II

DeRosa University Center, Room 218

This paper discusses the Japanese Imperial Army’s employment of comfort stations throughout Asia during World War II. This has been gaining more publicity die to a law suit filed against the Japanese government by former comfort women. The paper examines the history of comfort women and the technical logistics behind the comfort stations. For this paper I looked at firsthand accounts by comfort women, in particular, the horrific, graphic story of Rosa Henson, a Filipina woman. I also read journal entries from Japanese military officials. This paper shows that the idea for comfort stations was driven by economics and politics, but turned into an unprecedented human rights violation.