Romeo and Juleit, book cover


Senior Art and Design Exhibition

Abstract/Artist Statement

There is a certain beauty in the art of stories. How many times have we gotten lost inside a tale? How many times have we not wanted it to end? There is, without a doubt, a great power in words and it is this power and wonder that I hope to convey in my series of designs.I have a wide range of styles that I use as a result of all my different influences. Some historical ones include Baroque design and ornamentation, Art Nouveau, the Bauhaus (in relation to their typography), Japanese prints, and a bit of Plakastil. I tend to lean towards period styles because I like the grace, the grandeur, and the elegance of what Baroque and Art Nouveau was. Yet, on the other hand, I really enjoy creating simple pieces that are also classic. In a way, I suppose I am always attempting to merge the two opposing forces together: simplicity with a burst of intricate images on the side. In addition, I also like to merge Eastern traditions with the West.Yet, the subject matter that I have chosen has also played a large part in this particular series. It was difficult in deciding which great pieces of literature to do, but I am satisfied with the choices that I have made. There is a bit of everything from every time and every place: Kaguya from medieval Japan, Antigone hailing from classical Greece, The Secret Garden of Victorian England, 1984 of modern times, and beyond. Each design was given my full attention and research in order to reach the best solution possible. I hope that what I have produced here can be seen as something timeless, aesthetically pleasing, informative, and a proper homage to the power and beauty of the written word


Reynolds Gallery

Start Date

30-4-2010 6:00 PM

End Date

30-4-2010 9:00 PM

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Apr 30th, 6:00 PM Apr 30th, 9:00 PM

Romeo and Juleit, book cover

Reynolds Gallery

There is a certain beauty in the art of stories. How many times have we gotten lost inside a tale? How many times have we not wanted it to end? There is, without a doubt, a great power in words and it is this power and wonder that I hope to convey in my series of designs.I have a wide range of styles that I use as a result of all my different influences. Some historical ones include Baroque design and ornamentation, Art Nouveau, the Bauhaus (in relation to their typography), Japanese prints, and a bit of Plakastil. I tend to lean towards period styles because I like the grace, the grandeur, and the elegance of what Baroque and Art Nouveau was. Yet, on the other hand, I really enjoy creating simple pieces that are also classic. In a way, I suppose I am always attempting to merge the two opposing forces together: simplicity with a burst of intricate images on the side. In addition, I also like to merge Eastern traditions with the West.Yet, the subject matter that I have chosen has also played a large part in this particular series. It was difficult in deciding which great pieces of literature to do, but I am satisfied with the choices that I have made. There is a bit of everything from every time and every place: Kaguya from medieval Japan, Antigone hailing from classical Greece, The Secret Garden of Victorian England, 1984 of modern times, and beyond. Each design was given my full attention and research in order to reach the best solution possible. I hope that what I have produced here can be seen as something timeless, aesthetically pleasing, informative, and a proper homage to the power and beauty of the written word