2009 Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC) | Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC)

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Monday, April 27th
9:00 AM

A New Way of Living

Gina Polana, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM


Yolanda Cunningham, University of the Pacific

Studio Art Building

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Coyote Speaks

Katherine Draeger, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Functional Ceramics and Lidded Forms

Lisa Tran, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Happily Ever After?The Commercialism of Fairytales and the Shaping of Feminine Identity

Brandi Young, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Imagining the Spiritual

Jessica Herrera, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM


Christine Strain, University of the Pacific

Studio Art Building

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Obtainable Sustainable

Susannah Pilcher, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Silent Stories

Eliana Cetto, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

The Object’s Function

Lauren Carter, University of the Pacific

Reynolds Gallery

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Three Person Vessel Xylophone

Brooke Cashion, University of the Pacific

Studio Art Building

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, May 2nd
9:00 AM

2009 Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC) Full Program

Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC)

University of the Pacific

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

9:00 AM

Art and the War in Iraq: Censorship, Patriotism, Propoganda, and Atrocity

Betsy Hammer, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

Behind the Caprice is the Criticisms

Allison Duong, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

Chicana! Power, Art & Gender

Amanda "Ava" Villanueva, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

Eva Gonzalèz: Modernity Through a Woman’’s Lens

Madalyn Friedrich, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

Gun-Slingin’ Tarts and Sensitive Cowboys: Johnny Guitar and the Rare, Female Western

Eliana Cetto, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

How Revival Ministers Prepared Colonists for the American Revolution

Lloyd Barba, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

Snapshot: What Julia Margaret Cameron’’s Photography Reveals about the Gender Ideologies of 19th Century Britain

Laura Yang, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

The “Hindoo” Invasion of the 20th Century –– Understanding a Misunderstood Group

Nahila B. Ahsan, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

9:00 AM

What Drove the Doctor: Medical Experimentation in the Holocaust

Win McLaughlin, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Room 211 A/B

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

1:00 PM

3,4-Dichloroaniline Amides as Anti-trichomonal Agents: Structure Activity Analysis of a Compound Library in vitro

Ryan Nguyen, University of the Pacific
Henry Nguyen, University of the Pacific
Daniel Sorrick, University of the Pacific
Raymond Garcia, University of the Pacific
Chris Wakukawa, University of the Pacific
Larry Chen, University of the Pacific
Elizabeth Chang, University of the Pacific
Jessica Cicone, University of the Pacific
Padraick Dornbush, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Adventures n Dimerization: An Exploration of Intermolecular Forces

Cheryl Zurbrick, University of the Pacific
Seth Urban, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Analysis and Search of Silk Gene Proteins in Latrodectus Hesperus

Titus Hou, University of the Pacific
Vanessa Chung, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Analysis of gene expression in Trichomonas vaginalis by DNA microarray technology

Katelin Kehoe, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Characterization of Serine Proteases in Trichomonas vaginalis

Richard Tran, University of the Pacific
Raquel Sugino, University of the Pacific
Marilynn Chow, University of the Pacific
Paul Geurts, University of the Pacific
Brad Butcher, University of the Pacific
Jessica Cicone, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Chloroquinolyl Analogues as Potential Treatments for Trichomonas vaginalis

Daniel Yee, University of the Pacific
Cathy Yen, University of the Pacific
Erica Lee, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Cloning and expression of a toxin-associated protein from Clostridium botulinum serotype E

Raquel Sugino, University of the Pacific
Kristen Chang, University of the Pacific
Ajit Shokar, University of the Pacific
Steven Tu, University of the Pacific
Paul Sukhanov, University of the Pacific
Kristin Heller, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Deep-sea Corals as Archives of Past Ocean Acidification and Changes in the Ocean Minimum Zone

Kari McLaughlin, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

DNA Isolation and Characterization of a novel fibroin from the black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus

Veena Vaidyanathan, University of the Pacific
Shelly Baath, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Exploring the Glue Between Spider Silks and Cancer

Justine Fong, University of the Pacific
Minnie Cao, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Expressive Writing: Does it Affect Academic Writing Skills?

Heather Breen, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Hunting for new spider silk genes in the black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus

Jennifer Chau, University of the Pacific
Minh Tran, University of the Pacific
Anabelle Visperas, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

“I Had to Look Like Britney Spears”” Girl’’s Sexual Self Concept, Sexual Agency and Body Objectification in Adolescence

Diannne Castillano, University of the Pacific
Andres Nunez, University of the Pacific
Lynda Sosa Lowry, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Identification of a New cDNA that Codes for Wrapping Silk in Black Widow Spiders

Gerard Waworundeng, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Identification of a New Wrapping Silk Protein from the Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus hesperus

Ahra Cho, University of the Pacific
Mandeep Grewal, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

In vitro Effect of Sanguinarine and Chelerythrine on Trichomonas vaginalis Trophozoites

Kirstin M. Low, University of the Pacific
Lauren M. Conway, University of the Pacific
Raquel K. Sugino, University of the Pacific
Nimisha N. Patel, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

In vitro effects of a chemical inhibitor targeting superoxide dismutase on the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis

Chris Wakukawa, University of the Pacific
Larry Chen, University of the Pacific
Nathalie Foray, University of the Pacific
Raquie Sugino, University of the Pacific
Padraick Dornbush, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

In Vitro Effects of a Vinyl Sulfone Cysteine Protease Inhibitor on a Virulent Strain of the Bovine Parasite Tritrichomonas foetus

Cynric Cho, University of the Pacific
Rhobe Bulahan, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

In Vitro Effects of Alternative Chemotherapeutics on a Virulent Strain of the Bovine Parasite Tritrichomonas foetus

Cynric Cho, University of the Pacific
Rhobe Bulahan, University of the Pacific
John Cabreros, University of the Pacific
Katherine Grutas, University of the Pacific
Padraick Dornbush, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

In vitro effects of meclonazepam analogues on the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis

Cathy Yen, University of the Pacific
Daniel Yee, University of the Pacific
Erica Lee, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

It's More Than You Think: Euphora

George Brais, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Raising Voting Quality: A Review of Voting Errors, Literature and an Analysis of Steps in Reducing Those

Rachael Freeman, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Sources of Water Quality Impairments in the Lincoln Creek Watershed, Lewis County, Washington

Win McLaughlin, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

Testing the Effectiveness of the High-Probability Instruction Sequence

Cathya Acuña, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

The Days of Lower Lamos

Lauren Ehrhart, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

The Impacts of Prescribed Fires on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils

Jason Dupere, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

The Search for Super-Secreters and the Secret to their Superpowers

Seth Gomez, University of the Pacific
Jennifer Yau, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

The Splendor of Spider Silk

Eugene Han, University of the Pacific
Taryn Fong, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

1:00 PM

What Coastal Marsh Sediments Reveal About Land Use Change; Bodega Bay, CA

Anne Fisher, University of the Pacific

DeRosa University Center, Ballroom B

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

2:00 PM

1-D Shake Table to Simulate Earthquakes

Grant Hollis, University of the Pacific
Peter Tran, University of the Pacific
Navin Grewal, University of the Pacific
Blanca Flores, University of the Pacific
Charles Falzone, University of the Pacific
David Bushnell, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Analysis of the Expansion of the Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant in Roseville, CA

Eric Rowland, University of the Pacific
Kyle Davie, University of the Pacific
Roy Cormier, University of the Pacific
Sayer Al-Sayer, University of the Pacific
Nick Nelson, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Asset Management Analysis of Corte Madera CA Waste Water System

Christina Ramirez, University of the Pacific
Alvin Tan, University of the Pacific
James Edwards, University of the Pacific
Hayley Cook, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Automatic Pill Dispenser

Nick Rummel, University of the Pacific
Andre Bayati, University of the Pacific
Kamaldeep Sign, University of the Pacific
Michael Jue, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Cavendish Gravity Experiment: A Setup Modification

Tabitha Voyteck, University of the Pacific
Casey Carlin, University of the Pacific
Patrick Hall, University of the Pacific
Ross Bennett, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Design of a Roadway in Roseville, CA

Kyla Mahowald, University of the Pacific
Feliciano Leon, University of the Pacific
Brent Kawahara, University of the Pacific
Matthew Young, University of the Pacific
Ben Garcia, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Energy and Power

Steven Girard, University of the Pacific
Mike Lagomarsino, University of the Pacific
Thomas McDonald, University of the Pacific
Vicky Pang, University of the Pacific
Sean Pippin, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

iFire Automated Fire Suppression System

Benjamin Alldritt, University of the Pacific
Liza Boyle, University of the Pacific
Justin Canty, University of the Pacific
Douglas Nelson, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Knowledge is Power: Regaining Control from the Rebel Appliance

Brandon Blair, University of the Pacific
Nate Mackey, University of the Pacific
Kulwinder Samra, University of the Pacific
Bryan Weimer, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Manually Powered Otoscope

Dustin Dovala, University of the Pacific
Jeff Lee, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Mars Rock Crawler

Brandon Coonce, University of the Pacific
Gabriel Corona, University of the Pacific
Jared Englebrecht, University of the Pacific
Jonathan Thomas, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Not All Alloys are Created Equal: Recovery Temperature Testing Apparatus (RTTA)

Tiffany Mateo, University of the Pacific
Joyce Opiniano, University of the Pacific
Olga Sirovskaya, University of the Pacific
Andrea Staggs, University of the Pacific
Gwendolyn Upson, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Omni-Directional Vehicle

Abdullah Al-Attal, University of the Pacific
Matthew Furlo, University of the Pacific
James Gannatal, University of the Pacific
Christopher Hewitt, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Principles of Engineering Machine

Robyn Nariyoshi, University of the Pacific
Clemment Nguyen, University of the Pacific
Tejpal Sekhon, University of the Pacific
James Smyth, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Project FFR

Patrick Balingit, University of the Pacific
Thaer Elareer, University of the Pacific
Van Huynh, University of the Pacific
Dorothy Phan, University of the Pacific
Edison Tongsoni, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Rehab of a North Stockton Tiltup Building

Gary Mohler, University of the Pacific
Korey Marr, University of the Pacific
Peter Williams, University of the Pacific
Victoria Doyle, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Save Money on Your Energy Bill: Power/Energy Meter Design by Team MSJ^2

Marc Sakai, University of the Pacific
Seyla My, University of the Pacific
Jonathan Crawford, University of the Pacific
Justin Ouye, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Solar Panels Over Brookside Parking Lot

Steve Carrick, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

Team Reachout: Creating Memories that Last a Lifetime

Josephine Trinh, University of the Pacific
Zack Kimura, University of the Pacific
Chris Stanton, University of the Pacific
Jocelyn Gray, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

2:00 PM

The Wonderlic Motion Contraption –– Exercise Repetition Counter

Ra Meas, University of the Pacific
Alex Perez, University of the Pacific
Rashid Al-Naimi, University of the Pacific
David Van Teslaar, University of the Pacific

School of Engineering & Computer Science

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM