Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): Boob Tube Cops

Boob Tube Cops


Senior Art and Design Exhibition

Faculty Mentor Name

Trent Burkett

Abstract/Artist Statement

Reality crime-based programs have been popular since the early days of television and contiom today. I chose this theme because there is a great deal of interpretation as to how law enforcements affect societal norms. It has been argued that the stories told about crime have tremendous potential. reinforce a moral community's internal solidarity. ''The media's portrayal of!aw enforcement and c1 tells public audiences about such thiogs as "good and evil," heroes and villains, "morality," and it Sl appropriate societal responses to crime and social problems (Surrette, 1998 p. 34)." I am fascinated written examinations of medias treatment to crime and how it has influenced its audiences. The presentation of crime, deviants, and police may influence how audiences view themselves and their society. "Audience members may have little or no first hand experience with crime and the police. , such, audiences may perceive the reality programming as an accurate reflection of police, crime, an criminals in society (Eschholz eta!., 2002)." The subjects of the paintings are taken from images of characters in popular police television programs. In a formal and objective painterly method, I iotended for the work to appear comical an• animated. As my personal aesthetic, droll artwork is where I fmd iospiration. My chief influences d from the artists of the San Francisco Funk Art movement. This movement originated from the coun culture revolution of the sixties when new art forms and means of expression were characterized by rebellion. I find the works of Robert Arneson, an avant-garde funk artist, alluring because of his eel stylistic quality and contentious subject matter. His work is humorous yet it exhibits dark undertone audience is uncertain as to whether the work is comical or sober. I too want to create art that straddl border between humor and the grotesque. I want the audience to enjoy my paintings for its aesthetic quality and its content. The objective my body of work is to merge fme art with macabre humor.


Reynold Gallery

Start Date

3-5-2008 1:00 PM

End Date

3-5-2008 5:00 PM

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May 3rd, 1:00 PM May 3rd, 5:00 PM

Boob Tube Cops

Reynold Gallery

Reality crime-based programs have been popular since the early days of television and contiom today. I chose this theme because there is a great deal of interpretation as to how law enforcements affect societal norms. It has been argued that the stories told about crime have tremendous potential. reinforce a moral community's internal solidarity. ''The media's portrayal of!aw enforcement and c1 tells public audiences about such thiogs as "good and evil," heroes and villains, "morality," and it Sl appropriate societal responses to crime and social problems (Surrette, 1998 p. 34)." I am fascinated written examinations of medias treatment to crime and how it has influenced its audiences. The presentation of crime, deviants, and police may influence how audiences view themselves and their society. "Audience members may have little or no first hand experience with crime and the police. , such, audiences may perceive the reality programming as an accurate reflection of police, crime, an criminals in society (Eschholz eta!., 2002)." The subjects of the paintings are taken from images of characters in popular police television programs. In a formal and objective painterly method, I iotended for the work to appear comical an• animated. As my personal aesthetic, droll artwork is where I fmd iospiration. My chief influences d from the artists of the San Francisco Funk Art movement. This movement originated from the coun culture revolution of the sixties when new art forms and means of expression were characterized by rebellion. I find the works of Robert Arneson, an avant-garde funk artist, alluring because of his eel stylistic quality and contentious subject matter. His work is humorous yet it exhibits dark undertone audience is uncertain as to whether the work is comical or sober. I too want to create art that straddl border between humor and the grotesque. I want the audience to enjoy my paintings for its aesthetic quality and its content. The objective my body of work is to merge fme art with macabre humor.