Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): How Bad Can a Mosquito Bite Really Be?

How Bad Can a Mosquito Bite Really Be?

Poster Number



Poster Presentation

Abstract/Artist Statement

West Nile Virus is a potentially serious illness that is widely misunderstood. There are additional varieties of illness that can accompany West Nile Virus, such as West Nile Meningitis, and West Nile Encephalitis. Utilizing graphic design to create a clear and easy to read public awareness campaign I will address this misunderstanding and lack of information by visually educating the public. This campaign would include brochures, posters, booklets among other possibilities. Each of these different pieces could lead the target audience to a website to gain more comprehensive information, and direct them to other resources. The primary audience would be adults, that can be responsible human beings to transport the information to the rest of their family or by protecting them following several key tips. A doctor’s office would hold the booklet, as it would contain more information than a brochure mailer would. Posters could be made for young educational levels offering a large visual image and a short synopsis on West Nile Virus. It is important all ages to understand this illness and to protect them from this growing epidemic.


Pacific Geosciences Center

Start Date

5-5-2007 1:00 PM

End Date

5-5-2007 3:00 PM

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May 5th, 1:00 PM May 5th, 3:00 PM

How Bad Can a Mosquito Bite Really Be?

Pacific Geosciences Center

West Nile Virus is a potentially serious illness that is widely misunderstood. There are additional varieties of illness that can accompany West Nile Virus, such as West Nile Meningitis, and West Nile Encephalitis. Utilizing graphic design to create a clear and easy to read public awareness campaign I will address this misunderstanding and lack of information by visually educating the public. This campaign would include brochures, posters, booklets among other possibilities. Each of these different pieces could lead the target audience to a website to gain more comprehensive information, and direct them to other resources. The primary audience would be adults, that can be responsible human beings to transport the information to the rest of their family or by protecting them following several key tips. A doctor’s office would hold the booklet, as it would contain more information than a brochure mailer would. Posters could be made for young educational levels offering a large visual image and a short synopsis on West Nile Virus. It is important all ages to understand this illness and to protect them from this growing epidemic.