Portrait of the Artist as a Fading Youth


Oral Presentation

Abstract/Artist Statement

In my paper, “Portrait of the Artist as a Fading Youth,” I conduct a psychoanalytic reading of Dylan Thomas’s short story “A Visit to Grandpa’s” and James Joyce’s “The Dead,” the last tale from the author’s short story collection Dubliners. Originally written for Dr. Diane Borden’s Literature and Psychology class, this works compares and distinguished the operation of Melancholia and Mourning in both texts. Incorporating the ideas of psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Phyllis Greenacre with Joyce scholar Christine Van Boheemen, I ague that Thomas’s aging and emotionally fragile Grandpa is representative of a pathological Melancholia while Joyce’s protagonist, Gabriel Conroy, exemplifies a prevailing state of mourning. In my oral presentation, I shall be reading a revised copy my piece.


Pacific Geosciences Center

Start Date

30-4-2005 11:00 AM

End Date

30-4-2005 12:00 PM

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Apr 30th, 11:00 AM Apr 30th, 12:00 PM

Portrait of the Artist as a Fading Youth

Pacific Geosciences Center

In my paper, “Portrait of the Artist as a Fading Youth,” I conduct a psychoanalytic reading of Dylan Thomas’s short story “A Visit to Grandpa’s” and James Joyce’s “The Dead,” the last tale from the author’s short story collection Dubliners. Originally written for Dr. Diane Borden’s Literature and Psychology class, this works compares and distinguished the operation of Melancholia and Mourning in both texts. Incorporating the ideas of psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Phyllis Greenacre with Joyce scholar Christine Van Boheemen, I ague that Thomas’s aging and emotionally fragile Grandpa is representative of a pathological Melancholia while Joyce’s protagonist, Gabriel Conroy, exemplifies a prevailing state of mourning. In my oral presentation, I shall be reading a revised copy my piece.