Wireless Repeater Artificial Intelligence Transmission Hub
SOECS Senior Project Demonstration
Abstract/Artist Statement
Wireless Repeater Artificial Intelligence Transmission Hub (W.R.A.I.T.H) WRAITH is an autonomous robot that has a wireless network signal repeater strapped to its back. WRAITH will boost the weakening wireless signal from a base wireless access point (WAP) to a wireless user by physically positioning and repositioning a wireless repeater to a location that will maximize the wireless signal strength to a user dynamically. The 3 main objectives that WRAITH will meet are: 1. WRAITH reads input value (signal strength digital compass timer and positioning data) from the User via the wireless network communication. WRAITH uses these values to calculate the direction and destination to which it must proceed (with the assumption that the user and WRAITH start at the same location (0 0)). 2. When WRAITH is nearing its transmission signal limit or when its battery is low it will transmit a signal to the user saying that it has reached its repeating limit. 3. The demonstration will include the WRAITH responding independently to a varying signal strength and wireless user s dynamic repositioning. The WRAITH will move the wireless repeater to improve the wireless user s overall reception automatically.
Pacific Geosciences Center
Start Date
30-4-2005 2:00 PM
End Date
30-4-2005 5:00 PM
Wireless Repeater Artificial Intelligence Transmission Hub
Pacific Geosciences Center
Wireless Repeater Artificial Intelligence Transmission Hub (W.R.A.I.T.H) WRAITH is an autonomous robot that has a wireless network signal repeater strapped to its back. WRAITH will boost the weakening wireless signal from a base wireless access point (WAP) to a wireless user by physically positioning and repositioning a wireless repeater to a location that will maximize the wireless signal strength to a user dynamically. The 3 main objectives that WRAITH will meet are: 1. WRAITH reads input value (signal strength digital compass timer and positioning data) from the User via the wireless network communication. WRAITH uses these values to calculate the direction and destination to which it must proceed (with the assumption that the user and WRAITH start at the same location (0 0)). 2. When WRAITH is nearing its transmission signal limit or when its battery is low it will transmit a signal to the user saying that it has reached its repeating limit. 3. The demonstration will include the WRAITH responding independently to a varying signal strength and wireless user s dynamic repositioning. The WRAITH will move the wireless repeater to improve the wireless user s overall reception automatically.