Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): Helping Behavior Differences Between Genders

Helping Behavior Differences Between Genders

Poster Number



Poster Presentation

Abstract/Artist Statement

This experiment studied the difference between males and females in willingness to help another in need. The experimenters went to Sherwood Mall in Stockton CA. They each dropped papers in an accidental manner and recorded which gender if any assisted them in retrieving their papers. The total sample group was 56 participants. Each experimenters results were then combined and examined to reach the conclusion that there was a statistical difference between male and females and their willingness to help. The results showed no significant difference between males and females. Recommendations for research in this area of study could include racial or ethnic differences in willingness to help.


Pacific Geosciences Center

Start Date

30-4-2005 1:00 PM

End Date

30-4-2005 3:00 PM

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Apr 30th, 1:00 PM Apr 30th, 3:00 PM

Helping Behavior Differences Between Genders

Pacific Geosciences Center

This experiment studied the difference between males and females in willingness to help another in need. The experimenters went to Sherwood Mall in Stockton CA. They each dropped papers in an accidental manner and recorded which gender if any assisted them in retrieving their papers. The total sample group was 56 participants. Each experimenters results were then combined and examined to reach the conclusion that there was a statistical difference between male and females and their willingness to help. The results showed no significant difference between males and females. Recommendations for research in this area of study could include racial or ethnic differences in willingness to help.