Scholarly Commons - Pacific Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference (PURCC): Accenture to the Rescue

Accenture to the Rescue

Poster Number



Poster Presentation

Abstract/Artist Statement

Accenture, formerly Anderson Consulting, is one of the leading companies in the industry. Providing solutions to many businesses and governments, Accenture is world known for supplying in depth understanding and expertise in all of its capacities. Present in 48 countries around the world, this global giant has had many opportunities to help people by innovation and creativity. When the Asian tsunami hit the coasts of southern Asia, Accenture’s management sprang into action to assist in logically organizing information and strategizing how to tackle the problems that were arising from the disaster. Not only did the company pitch in as a whole, but individual employees contributed to a separate fund which totaled over $500,000 in donations to help relief efforts.The company has risen to meet the challenge of rebuilding the infrastructure, the cities, the governments and the people by offering services. What ought to be highlighted is not what the company itself has been doing, but rather how individual employees have risen to the challenge themselves and donated from their own pockets to help in the wake of this disaster. Accenture prides itself on being a great company because of its great people, and the donations from the hearts of the employees exemplify that the pride is well deserved.


Pacific Geosciences Center

Start Date

30-4-2005 1:00 PM

End Date

30-4-2005 3:00 PM

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Apr 30th, 1:00 PM Apr 30th, 3:00 PM

Accenture to the Rescue

Pacific Geosciences Center

Accenture, formerly Anderson Consulting, is one of the leading companies in the industry. Providing solutions to many businesses and governments, Accenture is world known for supplying in depth understanding and expertise in all of its capacities. Present in 48 countries around the world, this global giant has had many opportunities to help people by innovation and creativity. When the Asian tsunami hit the coasts of southern Asia, Accenture’s management sprang into action to assist in logically organizing information and strategizing how to tackle the problems that were arising from the disaster. Not only did the company pitch in as a whole, but individual employees contributed to a separate fund which totaled over $500,000 in donations to help relief efforts.The company has risen to meet the challenge of rebuilding the infrastructure, the cities, the governments and the people by offering services. What ought to be highlighted is not what the company itself has been doing, but rather how individual employees have risen to the challenge themselves and donated from their own pockets to help in the wake of this disaster. Accenture prides itself on being a great company because of its great people, and the donations from the hearts of the employees exemplify that the pride is well deserved.