
Reverse Side Caption
Lloyd E. Test Company, Established 1914, 601 N. Hunter St. Corner Oak St. Stockton, California. "The most beautiful and friendly auto dealership in the West." Gasoline, 32c, 33c, 34c?? Sure irritates, doesn't it. That's why I'm selling New and Used Nash automobiles like Martini's in Miami. When you see their sound engineering, sharp good looks, comfort and overall operating economy, you'll be a Nash owner too. Why delay, see me today! Ford A. Sheperd. Nash, America's most modern automobile.
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
Resource Identifier
Postmark Date
Circa Date
circa 1950
Rights Management
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San Joaquin County, Stockton California, photographs, postcard, photo, image, history, Western America
Geographic Coordinates
37.959317, -121.290561