Pacific Journal of Health: Most Popular Papers

Most Popular Papers *


Effects of Screen Time on Children's Brain Development: A Scoping Review
Niloofar Jannesar, Todd E. Davenport, and Lindsay Gietzen


Challenges and Barriers Faced by Healthcare Workers in Implementing Strategies to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy in Iligan City
Elise Janella A. Denila; Jydel Anne P. Dalangin; Wynne Nicole P. Englatiera; Dave William E. Almonia; Ian C. Abordo; Donna Belle P. Sumugat RN, MAN; and Raymond M. Salvador


Overcoming Obstacles in Protein Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris: Interviews of Leaders in the Pichia Field
Zoe Ingram, Abha Patkar, Dahoon Oh, Kevin K. Zhang, Christina Chung, Joan Lin-Cereghino, and Geoff P. Lin-Cereghino


The Efficacy of the G.R.A.C.E Matrix® in PTSD Treatment”
Maria Grace G. Wolk and Lindsay Gietzen

* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
» Updated as of 03/25/25.