"Effective Therapies for Post-partum Depression—What choices do women h" by Anzule Navarrete

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Physician Assistant Studies


Physician Assistant Education

First Advisor

Rahnea Sunseri


Many factors influence treatment success, especially treatment adherence. Adhering to any therapy is challenging for a new mother because her time and attention are devoted to taking care of her newborn around the clock, thus leaving little reserve for taking care of her own needs. However, clinicians must remind patients that a successful mother must first care for herself. This factor highlights the importance of individualizing therapy and involving the patient in treatment decisions in order to optimize adherence.

In addition to recognizing the integral role of patient adherence, successful therapy requires a knowledge of the efficacies of various PPD treatments and a familiarity with their potential adverse effects and harmful aspects. The elements of treatment options, including non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies, will be examined in order to provide clinicians with relevant evidence for medical decision-making.

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