"Comparing the Rate of Developing a Psychiatric Disorder Following Sexu" by Lindy Krpan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Physician Assistant Studies


Physician Assistant Education

First Advisor

Mark Christiansen


Sexual assault and abuse can leave lasting horrors on a victim, be they an adult or a child. While it has been well established that sexual abuse leaves lasting negative physiologic (obesity, heart disease, asthma) and psychiatric (depression, anxiety, suicide, heavy drinking) impressions on a victim,1 literature has not shown whether the age of a victim affects the prevalence of developing these conditions. Therefore, the question is posed, are victims of sexual assault that are minors (less than 18 years old) compared with victims that are adults (18 years of age and older) at increased risk of developing a psychiatric condition following the event? This question is important to ponder and investigate. By further understanding the prevalence of developing a psychiatric disorder based on a victim’s age, medical providers may be guided as to how vigilant they must be in providing psychiatric support and monitoring the mental health of sexual assault victims.

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