"Assistive Technology: Video Modeling" by Abigail Waisner, Molly McDavid et al.

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Population and Site:

  • Meristem is an educational program serving young adults who have autism or other neurodiversity (Who we are, 2023).The program promotes vocational and independent living skills through classes, community experiences, and dorm life that address physical, social, and cognitive skills. Students living in dorms are given additional opportunities to develop independent living skills such as cooking, cleaning, organization, community mobility, and social participation.
Project Goal:
  • Our goal as a group was toidentify ways to support students in the acquisition of independent living skills. The ideal assistive technology for this population would be a technology that is easily accessible,portable, and relevant. We found that Meristem has limitedassistive technology currently utilized at the site; especially for independent living skills, making it relevant for us to find a technology to help support their independent living skill acquisition.
