John Muir, The Sierra Club, and the Formulation of the Wilderness Concept

Presenter Information

Holway R. Jones

Start Date

13-11-1980 4:00 PM

End Date

15-11-1980 2:00 PM


Holway R. Jones: Holway R. Jones received his Master of Arts degree in American History from the University of California Berkeley in 1957. He is presently Professor and Head Reference Librarian at the University of Oregon in Eugene. An active participant in the affairs of the Sierra Club, Mr. Jones formally served on the organization's Board of Directors and has also been chairman of the club's Publications and Wilderness committees. Author of John Muir and the Sierra Club: The Battle for Yosemite, Mr. Jones in preparing a second volume covering the activities of the Sierra Club from the time of Muir's death up to World War II.

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Nov 13th, 4:00 PM Nov 15th, 2:00 PM

John Muir, The Sierra Club, and the Formulation of the Wilderness Concept