
Sarah [Muir Galloway]


John Muir & L[ouie Stretzel Muir]



Crete, Neb, March 28th/83

Dear brother and Sister

You will have received my last card, written the day Maggie and I arrived in Lincoln, We were not very much fatigued, and on feeling nicely rested, indeed the journey proved very pleasant, everything going smoothly with the exception of our being detained about four hours, by the breaking of a wheel, and so throwing one of the trucks partly off the track, the engine went on to Green River, for a wheel, and help, and we were able to start again sooner than we expected. This made us somewhat nervous at the time, on account of our previous experience. We found the folks usually well at Danl’s excepting colds, little [Ladie?], was some-

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-what feverish the first night, but better in the morning. Maggie has told you all about “these husbands so I need not add much on that subject” only that “we have failed to find the puddles and that they are both looking well.” Emma enjoyed the meeting so well, she thought that she would go away too, for a while, and Dan was about as mischievous as you would have been yourself. John David is much pleased with [illegible]aska, has been riding out with John about Crete, and today, they have gone ton Beatrice, to see something of the country there, it is a very thriving place, about thirty miles from here. still as regards our [money?], nothing can be decided until we are home. Such weather as we have had here, since coming home, has made us think much of the warm pleasant spring days in California, it was colder yesterday than any day at your home last

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winter, and Maggie and I go round wearing shawls, or keeping pretty close by the stove, but for a month past; the days have been warm and sunny, so such weather will likely pass off quickly. John has already got his oats sown and is ready to plow for corn, they will put in 160 acres. We will go up to Lincoln on Monday, and intend starting home on the following Wednesday. I shall be glad to be back for the girls are not feeling well they have been troubled a good deal with toothache and [illegible]algia. Anna’s arm was swelled to the finger ends, the last news, perhaps she will be better now. The children hare are all looking well although Anna seems somewhat care-worn, the girls have done well, and had everything looking very nicely for their Mother coming home. We often think of you all, and of the great kindness we have received at your

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hands, and hope that in the days to come we may in some way be enabled to show our gratitude. I feel sure that we have not already received the full enjoyment of our visit but that it will last, as long as life. I hope our little girl is well wonder if she thinks as often of her Aunties as they do of her, tell her Auntie [Ladie?] sends her a kiss. I hope the time is not very far distant when we can welcome you all, at our new home. John Reid and David. both think we are looking much better, and are comforted. it is many a day, since we were so sun-browned they all remark about that, we must try to continue our walks, and keep gaining in strength. Remember me to the Dr. and Mrs Swentzel, hope they too are well. With best wishes for all, I am yours lovingly




Crete, Neb

Date Original

1883 Mar 28


Original letter dimensions: 40.5 x 12.5 cm.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 04, Image 1038

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence

Copyright Statement

Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


4 pages


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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