"Letter from Therese Yelverton to Kenmuir (John Muir), circa 1871" by Therese Yelverton


John Muir


Dear Kenmuir, With this I send your journal. I am just starting for China-and wish very much you were going with me. You ought to have been ready to wander away with me and see all the beautiful places. Don’t forget me as I never shall you. China will [be] my address for the next three months. Oriental Bank, Hong Kong write to me there-The daughters of Ah wah nee will be in print in the fall. How you will laugh when you see it. You and Cosie are the last survivors except the ever lasting hills and vales. I want to keep up a correspondence with you more than all people so write to the address and I will write to Mrs. Carr. Keep to your good old life-Nature is the best friend. The happiness of fortune is a fable. It is blowing great guns and I have to start to night. Think of me tossing on a little schooner on the west ocean with no one but a Dutch captain to speak to. But I shall see the Sandwich Islands, and that will be charming. Yours ever sincerely, Therese Yelverton



Circa Date

circa 1871

File Identifier

Therese Yelverton to Kenmuir

Collection Identifier

This correspondenc is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.





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