"Letter from Helen Muir to John Muir, January 19, circa 1900" by Helen Muir


Helen Muir


John Muir


Dear Papa, Mama received your letter yesterday, and we were all so glad to hear from you and know that you were not freezing down [over] there. Yesterday and today have been perfectly beautiful, clear and warm like spring, but it rained Saturday evening when Wanda came home, just enough to clear the air so everything smells fresh and lovely. This afternoon when I took Keenie out for a little walk, he ran around the house and then stopped to listen, as though he expected to hear you coming. I take him out every day, or else Mama does at the usual time so he ought not to feel very lonesome. There are [is] an [a]awful [great] pile of letters gathering [on your table] so I am afraid you will have to answer a great many when you come home. Edwin Markham’s review of your book is coming out in the next Sunday’s Examiner. They [Mr. Millard] sent up for your picture a few days ago and said it is going to be “a very eloquent article.” Aunt Margaret has been awfully nervous the last day or two, but feels a little better today. The rest of us are as well as usual, and are very careful about fire, and do very little cooking! Aunt Ette and Uncle David started for Los Angeles the day after you left. Uncle Dave had decided to keep the place. Mama has copied his letter in answer to her stern one, [“handwriting”] which I inclose. Take good care of your selfs. With love from us all. Your […] Helen Write soon


Martinez, California

Circa Date

circa 1900

File Identifier

Helen M to John Muir letter

Collection Identifier

This correspondenc is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.





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