"Letter from Francis George to John Muir, September 25, 1899" by Francis George


Francis George


John Muir


Valona Sept 25th 99 Mr. John Muir. Dear Sir, Enclose please find Ck. No 32 for Two Hundred & twenty eight 25/100 Dollars to be credited as follows. For rent on lot 1 BH to Sept 1 12.00 for rent on lot 2 BH to Oct 1 9- for ground rent lot 3 BJ to Oct 1 20 for interest of P. Guerrierri 16 on lot B22 to J.E. Petersen 20.00 on lot 3 B13 to Ed Larsen 15.00 on lot 6 B13 to J.O. Schausten 85.00 on lot 8 B20 to M[?] Urbick 15.00 on lot 7B20 to F. Valikonia 36.25 171.25 Please have deed made for lot 7 B20 to Frank Valikonia & have same recorded. Price was 175.00 he paid 176.25. Please look up & see if you had deed made for the South half of lots 7-8 B3 to Rocco Costanza, if not have said deed made out, the last payment was sent to you July 3d Ck No 25 and you received it on July 6th. I was under the impression that Costanza had it but he told me yesterday that Mr. Tenning [?] told him that he did not know anything about it. Ther[sic] is a party want to buy lot 5 B34 and pay 75.00 down and the balance $200.00 in monthly payments to be paid in one year, but I am afraid of getting the balance from him. What shall I do. Mr. Patrick was to see me and says that Mrs. Muir will charge him 7 per cent on the balance due. His time is long past due, it aught to have been paid before the first of March. How is Mrs. Muir I was told she has been very sick and worried about Valona. Hope that it is not as bad as I have heard. And would be pleased to see you & Mrs. Muir here in Valona. With best wishes Yours truly F. George


Valona, [California]

Date Original


File Identifier

F George to John Muir 18990925

Collection Identifier

This correspondenc is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.





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