"Letter from Francis George to John Muir, January 28, 1899" by Francis George


Francis George


John Muir


Valona Jan 28th 99 Mr. John Muir. Dear Sir, In reply to your favors of the 10 & 19th would say that Mr. J.P.S Vind [?] intends to put up a dwelling & store & start some kind of business. He will never start start in a saloon as he is to pious for that. I seen him to night & told him that I would write to you & say that he will give 790.00 cash for that lot but he wanted to make it 780.00. I told him that it was a waste of time for 5.00 so he said all right 790.00 cash. Should I sell it to him? Lot 1 B36. 50 ft. x 140 ft. There was a partie that works in the sugar factory that wants to buy lot 8 B20 & pay $20.00 down & 15.00 per month. The price of said lot is $200.00. Should I let him have it? I will see Mr. Schnider on Monday & try to get him make payments. Now as to the Strentzel Hall will say that as you have given the permission to have the name of the late Dr. Strentzel to be used. I have taken the work up where the building committee left it which was only the shell and have completed it so far & gives satisfaction that last Friday the 27 there was a ball given & you could hear nothing but praise for the Strentzel Hall. I have made an acetylene gas machine & had the place lit up & it looked fine but I did not have it perfect & water got in the pipe so my light went out but I put a trap in the pipe and it worked allright to night. If I do say it myself if I would not have taken a hold of it the building would stand to day where the committee left it. But as the name has been given I will see that it would be a credit to the name and as my oldest son carries his name I will do everything that is in my power & give him such an education that he will feel proud to have the honor to sign his name. As for my part I will do what is right & honorable to have the name carried through so that it shall not fall to disgrace as I have always loved the late Dr. Strentzel more than a true friend. Respectfully yours, Francis George


Valona, [California]

Date Original


File Identifier

F George to John Muir 18990128

Collection Identifier

This correspondenc is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.





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