"Letter from Francis George to John Muir, December 28, 1897" by Francis George


Francis George


John Muir


Valona Dec 28th 97 Mr. John Muir. Dear Sir, I wish you & yours A Happy New Year. Please find enclosed ck. No Fifteen for Four Hundred & thirteen ($413.00) Dollars to be credited as follows. On lot 1 B.34 to Chris Texdahl 125.00 balance $125.00 in 8 months On lot 2 B.11 to J. Schnecker 25- “ “ 5 “ 20 “ V. Ciofani 15- Balance on lot 8 B.22 to Rigotti Antonia 81.50 Deed made in favor of Rigotti Antonia for lot 8 B.22 & recorded On lot 7 B.11 to Manuel E. Boim 151.50 For rent to Dec 31.97 on lot 1 B.H. 12- For rent to Dec 31.97 on lot 2 B.H. 9- I have paid 6.00 for digging vault [?] and moving water closet. I have to pay for lumber yet which will come next month. As to the water would say that there is a place about 4000 ft. back of the town that I fixed, about 12 years ago, it is in a ravine that is cut out about 20 ft. deep, the spring is about 135 ft. above the tanks. The water had to be raised over the hill & then have a drop of about 270’ [Diagram] I can’t see that it would do any damage but it would improve the place. By taking some teams and scrapers a good size dam could be built with little expense. With best wishes to all. I remain Yours truly, Francis George


Valona, [California]

Date Original


File Identifier

F George to John Muir 18971228

Collection Identifier

This correspondenc is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.





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