Katharine Hooker
[John Muir]
[1]15 Maplewood ApartmentsClifton, Cincinnati, Ohio Nov. 30Garret (1911)My dear friendIt is a longer time than I meant to let go by since I have written to you, but if I had written as often as I have thought about you, you would have had a continuous stream of messages.I am glad, very glad that your pleasure in the journey you are making began at once--with the sight of thos wondrous forests. I speculate as to where you are and what you are doing now, and after a while I shall have another letter from you and learn something about it.09997
[2]Do write Helen for your address [for?] it seemed to me that just "Para, Brazil" was indefinite. Did you get the letter I sent so addressed? What a story that was of yours about poor little "Wayfarers" discovered in the heart of the Amazon country! I could hardly believe it. I thought as I read of the lonely [illegible] and the little store of volumes I was coming to the finding of one of your books "Mountains of California," probably. How strange! it did please me greatly.Now you will want to know what this unheard-of address means, which heads my sheet. Well, we have been in the Clifton suburb of Cincinnati three days and I[3]2suppose shall stay in it for something like six weeks. We are here because Marian's friend and instructor Dr. Martin Fischer, is settled at the university and has asked her to come here and work with him for a while, in his laboratory. He and Mrs Fischer have taken us into their own home and as we are very fond of them both, it is most homelike and comfortable for us. It is a curious change in life for me--a sort of oasis of inaction arrived at from weeks of crowded occupation. I can hardly tell you how much that was new and unexpected pressed upon me, but much of it I enjoyed and all of it [illegible] me. One09997
[4]thing I did was to purchase a little house (have I already told you this?) next door to Osgood's, and to move into it some furniture from the Los Angeles place. I did not leave the latter at all dismantled, for there was really enough there to spare much for the small abode in San Francisco.You may be sure the "Palace Garret" was not disturbed, nor the blue sofa pillow profaned! When you come back Marian and I want you to make us a visit in this little house where there will always be room for you.After our stay here we shall go on to New York to see my sister Mary Shepard and our other friends, and so[5]3shall be likely to be away from California for about three months.I meant to have told you that before we left it we did "sit down among the pines" as you bade me do in your letter from Para. Marian, Ellie and I went up to Lake Tahoe and spent twelve days in absolute rest. I was still obliged to lie down three hours a day, and there could not have been a better place to do it. The weather was perfect and I am sure it did us all good.Fred and Alice Jones are taking care of the L. A. house for us, using part and closing part09997
[6]with the faithful Agnes to care for them, and Willard in the garden. This makes it easy for us to go back there whenever we wish to.Let us hear from you when you can.With much affectionYoursKatharine Hooker
Cincinnati, Ohio
Circa Date
[1911] Nov 30
Original letter dimensions: 23 x 14 cm.
Recommended Citation
Hooker, Katharine, "Letter from Katharine Hooker to [John Muir], [1911] Nov 30." (1911). John Muir Correspondence (PDFs). 6194.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 20, Image 0709
Collection Identifier
Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
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Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
Owning Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
4 pages
Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters