
Cha[rle]s F. Lummis


John Muir


"TOMORROW SHALL BE THE FLOWER OF ALL ITS YESTERDAYS."The Southwest MuseumPRESIDENT, LIEUT. GEN. ADNA R. CHAFFEEVICE PRESIDENTS.JOSEPH SCOTT CLARA B. BURDETTESECRETARY, CHAS. F. LUMMIS TREASURER, W. C. PATTERSON CURATOR, HECTOR ALLIOTDIRECTORS.ADNA R. CHAFFEE JOSEPH SCOTT R. N. BULLA CLARA B. BURDETTEM. H. NEWMARK WM. LACY CHAS. F. LUMMISLos Angeles, Cal. Jan. 8, 1910Mr/ John Muir,Dear Muir:-Just got your letter. Happy New Year first of all.I don't know about your debts or your money orders and don't care a darn. If you got a bill from some of us it might be right. However I will have it looked up to make sure and convince you that it is right.What has this, however, to do with coming down to see us? And resting your face and exercising your jaw? YOu are the only man now extant that I would allow to talk to me all day--- but you may talk all day and all night too.I have received your Hetch-Hetchy pamphlet and have written everyone of the Congressmen mentioned a formal letter in behalf of the Landmarks Club and the Southwest Society; and have also sent a very strong personal letter to Senator Flint and Congressman McLachlan, enclosing copies of the same to President Taft; and also a strong letter to Secretary Ballinger. I like old fashioned people, but you are too slow to suit me. You've got to get a clerk--- the ideas of wasting your valuable manuscript, and holograph and autograph and all such things in such a way--- why a lovely lady in the library has been after me for six months to get even your autograph on an envelop; and I have had to worry through about a cord of letters to find one for her and she is going to frame it and pray to it every night. What you want to do is to get a good secretary like Miss Brown and then also get a recording phonograph on which I am giving the first letter04674 "TOMORROW SHALL BE THE FLOWER OF ALL ITS YESTERDAYS."The Southwest MusuemPRESIDENT, LIEUT. GEN. ADNA R. CHAFFEEVICE PRESIDENTS.JOSEPH SCOTT CLARA B. BURDETTESECRETARY. CHAS. F. LUMMIS TREASURER, W. C. PATTERSON CURATOR, HECTOR ALLIOTDIRECTORS.ADNA R. CHAFFEE JOSEPH SCOTT R. N. BULLA CLARA B. BURDETTEM. H. NEWMARK WM. LACY CHAS. F. LUMMIS----2Los Angeles, you. It's the smoothest thing ever--- at least thus far. Magic, magic and then to beat the band.If I can get time I shall write an editorial for the magazine on the Hetch-Hetchy matter and hope I may be able to do so. I am just expressing myself with more vigor than grace on the matter of Pinchot, which makes me black in the face with rage. Horrible mistake.I wish you would come down and see me--- we need some one to cheer us up.God bless you all. Happy New Year to you and I enclose my Mug as a proof against bacteria and all other germs.With all good wishes,Always Your Friend,[illegible]04674


Los Angeles

Date Original

1910 Jan 8


Original letter dimensions: 28 x 21.5 cm.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 19, Image 0055

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence

Copyright Statement

Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


2 pages


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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