"Letter from Anna R. Dickey to John Muir, [ca. 1902?] Oct 3." by Anna R. Dickey


Anna R. Dickey


Anna R. Dickey


John Muir



you what great pleasure it gave me to really own the book, fresh from the hand of its author with that lovely inscription on the first page and the pictures which I mean to supplement in your other volume by those very successful photos of Helen Lukens Jones. I am busy settling the house-nest for my friends who arrive next week but I simply



Dear Mr Muir,

I returned to the Ojai valley last week and was welcomed not only by its pleasing mountains that had lost one of their beauty, I found even though I had recently seen bolder, higher peaks, but by your own word pictures of Our National Parks. Although I was looking for it, I cannot tell



revel in the chapters of the book that tells of the ground we had so recently seen over. It brings our happy outing so vividly before me and I am trying to get the plant life into some of my brain cells that seem so hopelessly leaky. Are you not glad to be relieved from repeating all those dear p[illegible]ous to me on an average of a dozen times daily? Donald and I enjoyed our Tahoe trip very much, we climbed Tallac and traveled over to desolation valley but we missed our party sorely and I found that mountaineering had lost much of its zest for me when there was no one to call me names. We found the spring at Glen Alpine the [sweetest?] in our explored world and were delighted to find a new tree - the Sierra hemlock. Mrs Pierce called it.

[5] for the pine needles left behind us. I am reading aloud my schools and [schoolmasters?] to Donald and am delighted with the Scotch humor and chatty style of Mr Miller. I did not see "the Judge" when we were in the city but we spent a lovely day in Berkeley and visited Mr Keith, Mr Keller and the B[illegible]nells. I was sorry Mr. Keith was ill every time we went to his studio so that we [4]

Donald has commenced the study of Greek this year and enters school with a physical rim he has not known the past few years, as for me, I have renewed my youth and my understanding and am sure I shall be a better woman for the privilage s enjoyed this summer [that?] which you contributed so much. I am sleeping out of doors under the pl[illegible]t stars even if I have to make a [cot do service?]



did not see his wonderful [illegible] picture of the Kaweahs - those rare peaks that I shall always carry among my choicest memory pictures. Do give us the story of Alaska soon, wont you, the prints of its wonders make me long to go there soon, if only you would guide us, I know our girls would instantly respond in the train and thereby give me an excuse to set as chaperone once more. And please give us the story of Stickeen(?) in printed form so that the world may enjoy in some degree the pleasure your verbal version gave us. I want every boy and girl friend of mine to own that story. I did not mean to offer you a book when I commenced this letter, but it keeps growing and I wish we could finish our


chat on some polished boulder or under an inspiring Sequoia. Wont you promise to come this way if you take that proposed trip again to the Grand Canon? [diacritic] There are some very [inviting?] trails here-abouts and some really - truly Indian writings on the walls. I feel ashamed that I am living in the house of those horrid Forbes of Boston who kept Mr Emerson from that [illegible] night under the



great trees which would have meant so much to you both. I trust the mantle of g[illegible]-culture may not fall upon me. Donald joins me in deep appreciation of your lovely gift-book. With kindest regards to your daughters and yourself, believe me

Ever gratefully yours,

Anna R. Dickey.

Nordhoff. Cal.

October third.


place unknown

Circa Date

[1902] Oct 3


Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 24 cm.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 12, Image 0686

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt0w1031nc

Copyright Statement

Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


6 pages


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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