"Letter from [Annie L. Muir] to [Margaret Muir Reid et al.], 1901 Apr 2" by Annie L. Muir


Annie L. Muir


[Annie L. Muir]


[Margaret Muir Reid et al.]



Portage, Wis. Apr. 27 1901

Dear Maggie, Sarah, & the Rest -

I enclose Maude Watson's letter, which explains itself. I returned from Poynette yesterday afternoon - It seems that Mrs. Robertson had the grip in the winter & had not been quite so strong since that time - But she kept up her work in her persevering way - Had even done some housecleaning the week before her illness began and bought a new bonnet The first, she said, since Mary's death. She went to church on Sunday the 14th - On Monday did not feel as well as usual. Was worse on Tuesday and they called Dr. [Binney?] who called it pneumonia & called the case a serious one - The family were not th[en?] alarmed - But Maude sent for her sister - Mrs. Bushnel - who came at once & took care of her house & family so that Maude could stay with Mrs. R. day & night - Mary Blackley & the neighbors helped too - Hamilton who has been in Madison all winter in a printing office happened to be at home for a few weeks - so was there too



On Saturday she seemed better - and they were quite hopeful - But at 11 o'clock in Saturday night she was taken very much worse - and she could not speak to them again tho. she tried painfully hard to do so. Maud's letter tells the rest - She was laid to rest beside John Watson & the family in the Arlington Cemetery On Tuesday the 23rd On a beautiful Spring Day - +++ She left no "Will." But Hamilton & Jim seem likely to settle everything about the property & disposal of things in a peacible and satisfactory manner. The house which she occupied is to be rented - James had rented the farm & he will live there & board with the family who lives in the house & helps him to work it. H. has "let" his farm and hardly knows what he will do - Go back to Madison probably - His family lives in the House on his farm - & are very comfortable indeed - She & the children seem well & happy. The baby is now nearly seven months old & a great pet inthe family - I, & two of the little boys went across the field to the woods and gathered lots of the beautiful Anemone - I enclose [two?] hoping that they may keep their color untill they reach you. -


Dr. West & little family are still with me - In some way the house which they thought they were sure of - Slipped from them & before they knew it was rented by some one else - who had looked at before they did or something of that sort - They have not found anything else which suited them - and now that Baby is well & thriving & the family is much smaller - She had two women here until she was about seven weeks old - A girl in the Kitchen & a woman to help her & the Baby. Poor little thing she had a hard time, the first five weeks - as they could find no food which would agree with her - & she nearly starved - She hardly weighs eleven pounds now & will be ten weeks old tomorrow. But she is well - & so sweet & good. They have put in a little garden and will stay with me for the present. I have my board for the rooms they have - And while I pay them nothing They have no rent to pay - And that is worth something to them while they are getting started here - For Osteopathy is not as well known here now as it will be in a few years - or perhaps months. He has a number of patients but not as many as he wants - By a good deal - He very kindly gives me two or three treat-



[treat-]ments a week. free of charge - I began regular treatments of the tenth of this month - I think it is helping me - I hesitated about taking them when I could not afford to pay him - but her very kindly said he did not want any pay - That I had already paid him - & was paying him all the time - But he did not explain how I did it - He is a very conscientious, Christian young man, I have great confict[ense?] in him, & hope he may do well here - Poor little Arthur Owen! I only heard yesterday about his accident - And how courageous he was about it all - He must be a Dear little fellow - Well Maggie I think of you very often & am glad that you can have Sarah with you so much of the time, when you are not [illegible] well - The Lord bless you both now & always I pray - My Love to you both - Each - and All - Mother's Geraneum is full of large fine blossoms -

Love And Goodbye -

Will send you Poynette papers, soon,


Portage, Wisc.

Date Original

1901 Apr 27


Original letter dimensions: 20.5 x 14 cm.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 11, Image 0695

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt0w1031nc

Copyright Statement

Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


3 pages


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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