"Letter from [John Muir] to C. M. Bellshaw, 1905 Feb 28." by John Muir


John Muir


[John Muir]


C. M. Bellshaw


[first draft of letter. in note-book]

Martinez. Feb. 28. '05.

Hon. C. M. Belshaw,

Capitol. Sacramento.

My dear Senator:

I most heartily thank and congratulate you on the passage of the Yosemite recession bill - a great work triumphantly consummated under your able leadership, and which will be preserved in history and your name with it long after a thousand others, hotly debated and seemingly more important, have been utterly forgotten.
The great park with its snowy mountains and songful rivers, its score or more of glaciers, magnificent forests, cliffs, waterfalls, glacier lakes, and lawns, gardens, and groves, is in many of its features unrivalled. It is not yet half known or appreciated. From age to age its fame will grow, and that your name is associated with it is something of which you may well be proud.
Again, thanking and congratulating you, I am,

Faithfully yours,

[John Muir]


[Martinez, Calif.]

Date Original

1905 Feb 28


Original letter dimensions: 21 x 17 cm.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 15, Image 0268

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt0w1031nc

Copyright Statement

The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see http://www.pacific.edu/Library/Find/Holt-Atherton-Special-Collections/Fees-and-Forms-.html

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.

Copyright Holder

Muir-Hanna Trust

Copyright Date



1 page


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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