
J. H. McCormick


J. H. McCormick


John Muir


COMMITTEE OF Arrangement
National Geographic Society
Geographical Society of Philadelphia
Geographic Society of Baltimore
Appalachian Mountain Club
Geographic Society of Chicago
Geographical Society of the Pacific
Geographical Society of California
Sierra Club
American Alpine Club
Peary Arctic Club
Harvard Travellers Club

May 28th, 1904

Dear Sir:

I have the honor to transmit herewith a provisional form for the 2nd.. announcement of the Eight International Geographic Congress.
Please make such corrections or amendments as may soon desirable to you so that they can be considered at a meeting of the committee of Arrangements, to be held the early part of June.
Very respectfully,

Committee of Arrangements.

Mr. John Muir

[03341]Martinez;, California..


Of the

June 1904.

The Executive Committee of the Seventh International Geographic Congress having voted to convoke the next session of the Congress in the United States in 1904, the Committee of Arrangements of the Eighth International Geographic Congress on behalf of--
The American Geographical Society
The Geographic Society of Baltimore
The Geographical Society of California
The Mazamas
The Peary Artic Club
The Geographical Society of Philadelphia
The Appalachian Mountain Club
The Geographical Society Of the Pacific
The Sierra Club
The American Alpine Club
The Harvard Travellers Club
issued a Priliminary Announcement in January 1904 extending an invitation to all geographers, geographic societies and cognate institutions and all persons interested in the science of geography in any of its phases.
A considerable number of individuals, societies and cognate institutions have already registered as members of the Congress, and a number of delegates have been appointed to Represent those societies as well as a number of government representatives, insuring a success full meeting.

In issuing this Second Announcement, the Committee of Arrangements, again extends a cordial invitation to all persons interested In the science of geography, to become members of the Congress and participate in its proceedings.
The plans of the Congress are nor far enough advanced to give definite information as to the sessions of the Congress.

The Congress will convene in Washington on Thursday September 8, 1904 at 10 a.m.
Places of Meeting.
All Scientific sessions of the Congress in Washington will be held in Columbia University, corner 15th. and H sts. north west.
For convenience the sessions will be divided into three classes.General sessions, held in forenoon, section meetings, and social functlone.
Until the meeting of the Congress, the office of the Congress will be in Hubbard Memorial Hall, the Home of the national Geographic Society, located at the corner of 16th. and M sts. north west, Washington, D. C.On Wednesday September 7th. 1904, the headquarters will be moved to the Arlington Hotel, Vermont Ave and H sts. north west.
This hotel will be the Headquarters during the stay of the Congress in Washington and the Secretary and his Assistants will be in constant attendance for the purpose of registering members of the Congress and furnishing such information as may be desired.
All members and associates as well as these desoring to become members, are requested to register at Headquarters as soon as possible after their arrival in Washington, in order to register their names and addresses in Washington, thus facilitating the speedy



preparation of printed lists and the delivery of nail. As members register they will receive the badge of the Congress.


The fed loving general program for the Congress has bean adopted.
September 7, 1904.

1. Wednesday evening--Informal reception at Hubbard Memorial Hall by President National Geographic Society.
September 8, 1904 at 8 p.m..

2. Thursday Forenoon--10 a.m. Opening of the Congress, Columbian University Hall.
Afternoon--2 p.m. Section Meetings.
3. Evening 8 p.m. Illustrated lectures.
4. Friday Forenoon-10 a.m. General Session.
5. Afternoon--2 p.m. Section meetings.
6. 5 p.m. Reception Twin Oaks by Mrs. G. G. Hubbard.
7. Evening---8 p.m. Reception & Lecture.
September 10, 1904.

8. Saturday Forenoon-10 a.m. General session.
9. Afternoon--2 p.m. Seeing Washington.
Reception at Smithsonian.
10. Evening--8 p.m. Reception by President of Congress.
September 11, 1904

Sunday--Provision will be made for entertainment on Sunday.
September 12, 1904.

Monday--8 a.m. Leave for Phil a. on Pa. R. R.
The Congress will be entertained by the. Philadelphia Geographic Society with field meetings and Reception at night.
September 13, 1904.

Tuesday--Arrive in How York.
Forenoon--General session in Amer. George. Society Bldg.



15 West 81st. Street.

Lunch at the Amer. Museum of Natural History.
Afternoon--Section meetings.
Evening--Social Session.

September 14th, 1904.

Wednesday Forenoon--10 a.m. General meeting.
Lunch American Museum Natural History.
Afternoon--2 P/m. Section meetings.
Evening--8 P.M. Social session.

September 15, 1904.

Thursday 10 a.m. Trip up Hudson River. (Field meeting.)

September 16, 1904.

Friday.--Field meeting, Niagara Falls.

September 17, 1904.

Saturday--Chicago, Ill.

September 19, 1904.

Monday 10 a.m. Meeting with Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis.

September 20, 1904.

Tuesday--Meeting of Geographic Congress.

September 21, 1904.

Wednesday-Close of Congress.


At the close Of the Congress, a Far West trip will be taken. The main trip will leave St. Louis September - 1*04, by way of St. Paul, Buluth, Portland, Oregon, fan Francisco, Los Angeles, to City of Mexico, Grand Canyon, to St. Louis and return to Washington, D. c where the President of the United States will receive the guests of the Congress.
The cost of the trip from Wash. D. C. to St. Louis and return



by way of Philadelphia, New York, 11 agar a, and Chicago will cost $95.35 for railroad faro, sleepers$---.
The cost of the Few West trip will be $---and will include railroad fare, sleeping ear, meals &o.
The foreign delegates will be the guests of the Congress and receive free transportation from Washington to St. Louis and be entertained enroute.


Members of the Congress will be entitled to participate in all sessions and excursions, and to attend all social meetings In honor of the Congress; they will alee (whether in attendance or net) receive their publication of the Congress, including the dally program sad the final Compte Rendu, or volume of proceedings. Membership may be acquired by members of Geographie and cognate Societies on payment of $5 (25 francs, one pound, or 20 marks) to the Committee of arrangements. Persons net members of such Societies may acquire membership by a similar payment and election by the Presidency. Ladies and minors accompanying members may be registered as Associates on payment of $2.50 (12 1/2 francs, or 10 shillings, or 10 marks); they shall enjoy all privileges of Meters except the rights of voting and of receiving publications.
Geographers and their friends desirous of attending the Congress or receiving its publications are requested to signify their intention at the earliest practicable date in order that subsequent announcements may be sent them without delay, and that requisite arrangements for transportation may be effected. On receipt of subscriptions, Members and Associate's tickets will be mailed to the subscribers. The privileges of the Congress, including the excursions and the social gatherings, can be extended only to holders of tickets.




It Is earnestly hoped that the Congress of 1904 nay be an assemblage Of Geographie and cognate Institutions no less than of Individual Geographers; and to this end a special invitation is extended to such organisations to participate in the Congress through Delegates on the basis of one for each one hundred members up to a maximum of ten No charge will be made for the registration of Institutions, though the Delegates will be expected to subscribe as Members; and in order that the list of affiliated Institutions (to be issued in a later announcement) may be worthy of full confidence, the Committee of Arrangements reserve the right to withold the name of any Institution pending action by the Presidency. The publications of the Congress will be sent free to all Institutions registered. It is especially desired that the Geographic Societies of the Western Hemisphere may utilize the opportunity afforded by this Congress for establishing closer relations with those of the Old World, and to facilitate this, Spanish will be recognized as one of the languages of the Congress, with French, English, German, and Italian, in accordance with previous usage; and communications before the Congress may be written in any one (or more) of these languages.
Institutions not strictly Geographic in character, Libraries, Universities, Academies of Science, and Scientific Societies are especially invited to subscribe as members in order to receive the publications of the Congress as issued.


Members and Delegates desirous of presenting communications before the Congress or wishing to propose subjects for discussion, are requested to signify their wishes at the earliest practicable date in order that the titles or sub Jets may be incorporated in a Preliminary Program to be issued in June, 1904. The tine required for presenting



communications should be stated, otherwise twelve minutes will be allotted. It is anticipated that not more than twenty minutes can be allotted for any communication unless the Presidency decide to extend the time by reason of the general interest or importance of the subject The Presidency with the complete Organization of the Congress (including Delegates) will be announced in the Preliminary program of June, 1904.


All papers or abstracts designed for presentation before the Congress, and all proposals and applications affecting the Congress, will be submitted to a Program Committee who shall decide whether the same are appropriate for incorporation in the announcements, though the dicisions of these Committee shall be subject to revision by the Presidency after the Congress convenes.
Any proposal affecting the organization of the Congress or of the program for the Washington session must be received in writing not later than May 1, 1904. Communications designed to be printed in connection with the Congress must be received not later than June 1, and any abstracts of communications (not exceeding 300 words in length) designed for printing in the General Program to be published at the beginning of the Congress must be received not later than August 1, 1904. Dally Programs will be issued during the sesions.
All correspondence relating to the Congress and all remittances should be addressed--
Hubbard Memorial Hall,
Washington, D.C., U.S.A



W. J. MoGee, National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C., Chairman.
Henry G. Bryant, Geographical Society of Philadelphia.
George B. Shattuck, Geographic Society of Baltimore.
A. Lawrence Rotch, Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston.
Zenia Baber, Geographic Society of Chicago.
George Davidson, Geographical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco.
Frederick W. D'Evelyn, Geographical Society of California, San Francisco.
John Muir, Sierra Club, San Francisco.
Rodney L. Glisan, Masamas, Portland.
Angelo Heilprin, American Alpine Club.
Herbert L. Bridgman, Peary Arctic Club.
William Morris Davis, Harvard Travellers Club.

J. H. McCormick,


John Joy Edson, Chairman.
President Washington Lean and Trust Co.

David T. Day,
United States Geological Survey.

Charles J. Bell,
President Amer. Security and Trust Company.


Honorary President

The President of the United States.
President General
Commander Robert E. Poary U. S. N.
Honorary Vice Presidents
The Ambassadors and Ministers Resident.

At Washington.

The President of Venice Congress.
The president of Berne Congress.
The president of London Congress, Sir. Clements Markham.
The President of Berlin Congress, Baron Richthofen.




Assistants for Washington Meeting.
Assistants for New York Meeting.
Assistants for St. Louis Meeting.


John Bay Edson.
Chairman of Committee of Arrangements.
W. J. MoGee.

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X033 tit-9.


Washington, D.C.

Date Original

1904 May 28


Original letter dimensions: 27.5 x 21.5 cm.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 14, Image 0156

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence

Copyright Statement

Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


10 pages


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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