"Letter from Jeanne C. Carr to John Muir, 1867 Apr 15" by Jeanne C. Carr


Jeanne C. Carr


J[eanne] C. C[arr]


[John Muir]



Madison, April 15. [1867]

Dear friend
I was very glad indeed to get your last, and the most welcome news that you could see a little with the injured eye. Dr Carr thinks the liquid you refer to was only a part of the humor - for the unshrunken ap- pearance of the eye indicates that some must remain. Your physician will of course know best. Dr E. L. Holmes of the Rush Medical College Chicago. Dr Carr thinks the best oculist he knows anything about in the west. He says he does not see why if the [illegible] of [[illegible] is not destroyed in a perfectly healthy bodily condition the wasted humor should not in time be restored. Still he has too little expe- rience to fee certin. Dr Hobbins says the deposition of [illegible] ought to be pracited. and that to secure this you need to take calomel. But at this distance there is no use in en- tering into particulars. Only an examination of the eye can determine. A nephew of Dr carr

Dr Carr, & the Butlers, and all send love


last fall run a pitchfork into his right eye, a little back of your wound. And for some days Dr Hobbins thought it doubtful about his seeing. Now, after six months rest, you cannot detect any difference and the vision is not much affected. Dr H. says you can train the left eye to do the others work. Yesterday the tolling bells and half hour cannon & flags at half mast testified the peoples grief over the unforgotten dead. Two years ago I lay it was thought at the point of death - I felt that I could see that other world - and I was sure that my days in the woods were over. I was such a [illegible] of myself when I began to creep feebly around the house - and here I am with years of work in [illegible] yet. Who knows but we shall see South America yet? He who weaveth the fate of nations and the [illegible] of the individual will surely lead us, who con[illegible]sly accept and desire His Guidance. Yesterday Dr Carr brought home two beautiful books. the world before the De[illegible] and the Vegetable World' by Louis F[illegible.].


and I said of the latter "John Muir will enjoy overlooking this. Oh John if we do get a [illegible] man to preside over this University we can make those grounds very beautiful. You will gather seeds for us in South American and we will have a Conservatory Fund and by and by we will appoint John Muir [F.?] R.B.L. Bot Prof. and director of the grounds, and he shall have a little study in the g[illegible]- [illegible], and live like dear old [illegible] - wont it be nice? All this if you dont make a minister. Do you know Spanish? You ought to be picking up a little Spanish if you mean to traverse the beautiful lands . I do believe you will yet carry out your plans. You ought not to write much I felt guilty to see how much you had written to me. Dielytra just peeping out of the ground. Robins, blue birds, fill the air with music. Can you not be permitted to sit or lie in the sun with your head protected. It would do you good to bask. The dear old Mother will heal you fast when you get upon



her cass once more. Henry is having his first vest made. Mr Muir, Not many years to long coats, and neck ties! Henry is making money too by carrying papers, but his riches do not spoil him. Allie is more of a baby, he is our young [illegible]ing - and we like to keep him so - he is busy now planning a house to put lady birds in. It is a trial to me to have my 4 8 rods of ground to scratch in - and I only content myself by saying; Well maybe I will yet 'pre[illegible] a small planet' - Get some good friend to read you a description of the Yo Lemite valley, and try to realize what gods landscape gardening is; Oh this house of our Father! I would like to know all its mansions - and often to meet and compare notes with you, who love it with the same f[illegible] love.

Good morning



Madison, [Wisc.]

Circa Date

[1867] Apr 15


Original letter dimensions: 25.0 x 39.0 cm

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 01, Image 1022

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt0w1031nc

Copyright Statement

Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


3 pages


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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