"Letter from David G. Muir to John Muir, 1860 Oct 14" by David G. Muir


David G. Muir


D[avid] G. M[uir]


John Muir


[1] Hickory Dale. Oct. 14th 1860

Dear Brother John

Having received your third letter last night , and knowing now where to direct your letters, I gladly embrace this first opportunity of letting you know that we are all enjoying our usual health and are glad to learn that you are so well, and have prospered with your machinery. We were very anxious to know where you was going, and are surprised to think that you have gone further west, when from the bottom of our hearts we thought you certainly would have inclined toward civilization. I hear that they have some yarns in in the newspapers about you but I have not seen any of them yet. Henry Cripps told me more about the fair and yourself than you have yet. For a while after you left home the house looked rather empty, especially on Sundays but now we began to get used to it. The neighbors wherever we go, ask about you. I wish I had been at the fair, and I would have helped you to tell the folks about the things, etc Things about home begin to look like winter, we are busy making corn, and Jamie Sanderson is digging out stumps. I suppose you begin to feel as though you was a man now,(standing on your own bottom): when you have produced the greatest curiosity. and invention of the whole State. Please to hear the advice of a little boy. Don't let the State fair prove to be 'Vanity Fair', neither let the flattery and praise of men lead you to think that you are more than a man, but remember where you came from, and where you are going "Dust thou art and to dust thou shall return." Prayer meetings have commenced here again. We had the first last Sunday over at Midland. do pray God to send down the Holy Spirit to convince and convert our neighbors


As we have not been at Portage City lately we have not got your books but expect to get them this week. In you second letter you [merely?] mentioned Mrs Mitchell's name, saying that you had told me about her before, while you did not tell us a thing about her, so I think you must have forgot. Andrew and Charly Reid are to be examined tomorrow night for teach by Mr Birdsall, and if they get their certificates Andrew is going to teach at McMahon's School-house and Charlie at Russel's. William Ennis is going to teach at Grahm's again. Now I guess my pile of news is exhausted so I will have to stop and make room for the others. I want you to direct a letter very soon to David G. Muir himself. So Good Bye your brother JJM _ _____________________________________________________________

Hickory Dale Oct 14

My Dear Brother
I came over here yesterday. I thought I would put in a few lines too the main thing is to tell you to be sure and write me often if you can spare time, I shall always be very much interested in anything that concerns you tell me all the news mind I hear there has been great excitement about your clocks and I am very glad you are prospering so well and are so comfortable where you are I heard your letter last night and was glad to hear you are so well in such a bustle I will not write any more just now but I will give you a long letter after I hear from you good Bye John from your very affectionate Sister Sarah

Dear John
I too am glad to hear of your prosperity but especially that you are so well John I dreamed the other night you and your mills was come back but ah no twas only a dream but John I would not be so selfish I hope as wish you back when it is better for you to be away


and have often thought of the way I hurried you to bed that night but maybe you will forgive May God bless you my dear dear brother and prosper you and keep you from the evils of this world and meeten you for glory I do not forget you at a throne of grace will you too pray for me and perhaps when you get time you will write me a letter

from your Sis Muir

Dear John

I [pray you?] are well in [illegible] [I shall like?] [illegible] of good Spiritual health [king?] good. do not let the vanities of this life p[illegible] your Soul. do all to the glory of god & he will prosper you in that which is good Keep the faith pray Sincearly always aim at the glory of God & good of man. Keep humble do not let the praise of man puff you up. nothing but Christ can keep you from Sinking take his counsel then strive to please god in all things. be always ready to give in your account if you always look to Jesus as your all & follow his Spirit you will be Safe. I am glad that god has provided a lodging for you. Strive always to love your neighbor as yourself practically. in order to have friends we must be friendly. love byeteth love be mercifull that you may have mercy look not at high things but can descend to man of low estate practice economy in all you do in order to be great be Servant of all. avoid pride & the Lord will lift you up. do not think that god will aid you in anything that is not good but the fruits of the Spirit is in all goodness. See that all that you do is founded upon Scripture Show to all around you that you are a man of honesty & truth. you have much need to watch & pray for all eyes are upon you being a Stranger your present character will be made appear according as you think Speak & do in the eyes of the public I am praying for you hoping you will use the grace & live pray for me dear John that we may meet at gods right hand without Spot & rejoice for ever together with all the Santified I will Send a trunk with your things by railway as directed to the care of your master Mr. Wirad from your Father


Dear Brother John I never thought you wanted to go west but seeing you have gone I hope you will write to me tell me what kind of a shop you have got into what they make what you do and how you like it if you have found any lenses yet if you know how an artesian well getts its powr if you have invented any thing yet how long you mean to stay there and all other news you can find we are very busy at present I have no time to make anything I have had a hard time with Lumbago this morning bit I have about got [illegible] [illegible] your letter from Philadelphia they just said they had no situation to offer you at present Mother says she will write to you as soon as she gets time Joanna sends her love to you and so does Mary and Anna time is scarce Good bye from your Brother Daniel



Hickory Dale [Wisc.]

Date Original

1860 Oct 14


Original letter dimensions: 31.5 x 39.5 cm

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 01, Image 0075

Collection Identifier

Online finding aid for the microform version of the John Muir Correspondence http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt0w1031nc

Copyright Statement

Some letters written to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


6 pages


Environmentalist, naturalist, travel, conservation, national parks, John Muir, Yosemite, California, history, correspondence, letters



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