Deukmejian, George: Moscone's legacy
George Deukmejian: Over the years there have been countless numbers of individuals who have state assemblymen and state senators and held other positions of public office. I reflect back on the many years that I was involved, and maybe part of it is because I’m getting so old that my memory is not too great, but you necessarily remember some, and you forget about the overwhelming majority. It’s hard to place them and remember some of them. I’d say the overwhelming majority their careers while honorable perhaps weren’t that noteworthy, but on the other hand there are a number that you clearly recall and you remember the impact that they had during their time, and what it meant for the public. Senator George Moscone is one of those who will long be remembered by people who served with him, and I know the general public who followed government and politics at the time. He was considered to be an exceptional leader. He was considered to be one of the more effective and articulate office-holders. And his success as a senator and later as mayor is a demonstration that he was well regarded by his public, the people who voted for him and elected him, and unfortunately his tragic death is another part of his history that will long be remembered which saddened all of us greatly at the time and still does. He will be long remembered, and I think the scholars – the people who look into the work that was done by various political leaders – will I’m sure speak extremely well and very highly of his total body of work in the political arena because of his abilities, his talents, his effectiveness, his strength of character that often won the day, won the arguments, and made him a very effective, memorable, and highly respected and regarded political leader in California.
Date Original
The Moscone oral history interviews are part of the George Moscone Collection, MSS 328.
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives, University of the Pacific Library
Recommended Citation
Rubin, Jon and Deukmejian, George, "Deukmejian, George: Moscone's legacy" (2010). Moscone Oral Histories. 56.
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