Busch, Corey: Appointment diversity
Corey Busch: George believed throughout his political career – throughout his life really – of inclusion. He believed in the politics of inclusion. There was a line in his inaugural address that the best ideas are the ideas that are born of the widest range of input. He really, truly believed that. He wanted to hear everything from A to Z, and he’d wind his way through that and reach his own conclusions. The day after his inauguration, the story that appeared in the Chronicle there was a line in there that said that those assembled represented the greatest cross-section of San Franciscans ever to come under one roof in the history of the city. It might have been one line in one story, but it told you everything you needed to know about George Moscone and his politics of inclusion. And when you take a look at the roster of people he brought into city government – on his staff, on the boards and commissions – the diversity. The way he included people that you would never see in a million years involved in policy-making in San Francisco before that, you get a sense of what that means. The Moscone Convention Center, the Yerba Buena Center as it was called in those days, is probably the best example of all of what you can accomplish through the politics and government of inclusion. I think it was one of George’s proudest moments that he was able to accomplish that. And it was because of his belief and his ability to include people and have them work together for the betterment of their community.
Date Original
The Moscone oral history interviews are part of the George Moscone Collection, MSS 328.
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives, University of the Pacific Library
Recommended Citation
Rubin, Jon and Busch, Corey, "Busch, Corey: Appointment diversity" (2009). Moscone Oral Histories. 37.
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