Foran, John: Moscone's departure from the Senate
Foran: I think everyone knew that George Moscone was going to leave the Senate and run for mayor of San Francisco. And there were no secrets in the capital and everybody talks and they talk about this, what is this person going to do, what is that person going to do. So it's a constant conflict, constant gossiping as to where people are headed because obviously when a person leaves the position of the Senate, it leaves a vacancy in a chairmanship and that's a very powerful situation.
Date Original
The Moscone oral history interviews are part of the George Moscone Collection, MSS 328.
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections and Archives, University of the Pacific Library
Recommended Citation
Foran, John, "Foran, John: Moscone's departure from the Senate" (2009). Moscone Oral Histories. 219.
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