Volume 8, Issue 2 (1977)
Front Matters
Table of Contents, Issue 2
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editorial Board
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Editor's Note
Daniel S. Hentschke
Cumulative Table of Contents for Volume 8 Title Index to Articles and Comments
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Emerging Patterns in American Law
Murray L. Schwartz
Constitutional Implications of Adoption Revocation Statutes
Martin R. Levy and Elaine C. Duncan
Urban Renewal: Laissez-Faire for the Poor, Welfare for the Rich
Sonya Bekoff Molho and Gideon Kanner
Coastal Zone Impacts of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: An Accommodation Through the California Coastal Act of 1976
Alfred E. Yudes Jr.
Application of Strict Liability to Repairers: A Proposal for Legislative Action in the Face of Judicial Inaction
Candice J. Cain
Legislative Alternatives to Tax Shelters
Gary G. Perry