Volume 46, Issue 1 (2014) Symposium—Growing, Growing, Gone: Innovative Ideas in Resource Management for a Growing Population
Front Matter
Symposium—Growing, Growing, Gone:
Innovative Ideas in Resource Management for a Growing
Population: Introduction
Rachael E. Salcido
Vehicle Miles Traveled and Sustainable Communities
Dorothy J. Glancy
Governing the Ungovernable: Integrating the Multimodal Approach to Keeping Agricultural Land Use from Swallowing Ecosystems
Kalyani Robbins
Maximizing What We Have—The Challenge to Preserve Open Space with No Dedicated Local Funding Source
Aimee Rutledge
In the Field and In the Stream: California Reasonable Use Law Applied to Water for Agriculture
Paul Stanton Kibel
Demand Offsets: Water Neutral Development in California
Jennifer L. Harder and Jennifer L. Harder
The Superagency Solution
K.K. DuVivier