Volume 13, Issue 3 (1982) Symposium: California Insurance Law
Front Matters
Volume 13, Issue #3 - Table of Contents
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
Volume 13, Issue #3 - Board of Editors
University of the Pacific; McGeorge School of Law
In Memoriam: Gary Vance Schaber
Sherrill Halbert
Gary Vance Schaber
John E. Ryan
Gary Vance Schaber
Claude D. Rohwer
Insurer's Duty to Defend
Frank Revere and Arthur J. Chapman
Excess Liability: An Attorney's Updated Point of View
John J. Costanzo and Timothy J. Gearan
The Right to Jury Trial in Insurance Coverage Declaratory Relief Actions: An Historical Perspective
Craig E. Farmer and Scott E. Bartel
The Case of the Recalcitrant Client: The Dilemma of the Insurer When the Insured Fails to Cooperate
Douglas A. Haydel and Donald E. Shaver
Insurability of Losses Resulting from Liability under the Federal Securities Laws
George C. Montgomery and Bruce M. Thornton
Coordination and Consensus in Water Resource Management
Thomas E. Shea